Review Game 1
Teams: Section A Z, Zach G, Mitch, John, Keith Catharine, Peter W, Stephanie, Alex Z, Patrick D Nathan Y, Colin, Jen, Nathan P, Ben F Zane, Ben H, Rohan, Alex M, Zack L Elena S, Mark, Marshall, Patrick L, Tanner
Teams: Section B Charlie, Michael, Will Betsey, Christy, Chris Alex, Peter, Aneesha Evan, Brendan, Haris
Round 1: Individual
1. What is the difference between a left and right handed system?
2. What is the difference between object space and world space?
3. What is the definition of an affine transform?
4. Give an example of a space transformation in the display pipeline that is NOT affine.
5. What is the difference between camera, image, and screen spaces?
6. In a 2D Unity game, what mode is the camera usually in?
7. I want to use a background image in a 2D game that is 1000 x 1000 pixels, and I want pixel-perfect rendering. The editor is set with a pixel-to-grid ratio of 100:1, which is standard. What should I set the camera size to?
8. What is the difference between a field that is public and a field that is serialized and private?
9. If Matrix A is cxd and Matrix B is exf, what must be true to be able to multiply A and B?
10. If Matrix A is cxd and Matrix B is dxf, what are the dimensions of AxB?
11. Multiply the following matrices: [3 2 1] x 1 2
12. What is the relationship between scaling and reflecting?
13. What is a property in C#?
14. What is emergence?
15. Give 2 examples of player expectation
16. What is the difference between an anticipatory and complex system?
17. Give one pro and one con of realism in a game world.
18. Give two examples of types of goals or challenges in a game
19. What is positive and negative feedback in a game?
20. Give an example of non-linearity in a game.
21. What is a rigidbody component?
22. What is a Canvas?
23. What is the open/closed principle?
24. Why is duplicated code a bad idea?
25. What is tight coupling?
Round 2: Team Play
Tell what the code smell is, why it is undesirable, and how to refactor: Agent[] agents = getAgents(); foreach(Agent s in agents){ if (s.isPlayer()){ PlayerMove(); } if (s.isEnemy()){ EnemyMove(); etc…
I want to make a game of Galaga, (space ship shooting aliens that fall from above). What game objects will be needed? What should be a prefab?
Write the matrix math that would take a rectangle whose coordinates are (0,0), (0,5), (2,0), (2,5) and rotate it 90 degrees about its center.