The Ultra Fascinating History of Cellular Thought
Aristotle 300 BC Greek Philosopher Developed theory of Spontaneous Generation
Spontaneous Generation Life can suddenly arise out of non-living matter Not true – but theory was accepted for nearly 2000 years Why? Because there was evidence….
A sack of grain became mice
Meat left out became maggots
Salamanders came from fire
“You’ll catch your DEATH!!!”
From a 1951 Disney movie
Robert Hooke Early 1660’s English scientist Invented a crude microscope Looked at cork Named “cells”
Hooke’s Microscope
Hooke’s Drawing of Cork
Early 1660’s
Francesco Redi Late 1660’s Italian Physician Set out to disprove S.G. Meat in jars experiment
Redi’s Experiment
Late 1660’s
Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1675 Dutch Inventor Improved Hooke’s microscope Looked at “animalcules”
Anton van Leewenhoek’s Microscope
John Needham 1748 Scottish scientist Set up Redi-like experiment Tried to prove/disprove SG once and for all
Lazzaro Spallanzani (Coolest name EVER) 1790 Italian Scientist Questioned Needham’s experiment Tried to improve it
Spallanzani’s Experiment
Louis Pasteur 1864 French Chemist Invented “Swan-necked flask” Disproved S.G. once and for all
Pasteur’s Swan-Necked Flask
Pasteur’s Experiment
Results Pasteur’s flasks kept bacteria out of the broth until …….
Rudolph Virchow 1858 Russian Pathologist Stated “All cells arise from other cells.”
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann 1838 Schlieden – German Botonist Stated – “All plants are made of cells.”
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann 1838 Schwann – German Zoologist Stated – “All animals are made of cells.”
Schleiden and Schwann Together stated – “All LIFE is composed of cells”
The Cell Theory All life is composed of cells (Schleiden and Schwann) All cells come from other cells (Virchow and Pasteur) Cells contain the hereditary information that is passed from parent to offspring (DNA)
The Germ Theory Diseases are caused by microorganisms Bacteria Viruses Fungi Protists
Are we creating Super-Germs?