What is AP Human Geography? What can I expect?


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Presentation transcript:

What is AP Human Geography? What can I expect? Questions to ask yourself.

Have I had an AP class before?

Have I had an AP class before? No, you haven’t AP classes are audited by the College Board AP teachers are trained by the College Board AP materials have to be approved by the college board Students take a national test created by college professors to determine their credit this is where the fee comes from Elementary and middle school “AP” classes are not AP classes. College Board

This is a college level course. REMEMBER! This is a college level course.

It is possible that: it will take time for you to adjust to the routine of both high school and AP. your grades in AP may be lower than in the past. You WILL have to do more homework and be more organized than was necessary in the past.

Test scores will generally be lower than you would like to see.

Don't Be Discouraged! This is what is meant by a “rigorous” curriculum. Be patient. You will adjust and improve as time goes on.

Course Grade v. Exam Score You receive a grade every trimester as you would in any other class. This grade is based on homework assignments, quizzes, tests and class participation.

What are the rewards?

What are the rewards? 10 point grading scale Cheap College Credit Preference from competitive universities

The A.P. Grade is weighted so that: However....... The A.P. Grade is weighted so that:

Exam Score This is the score you receive on the AP exam they will take on May 18, 2018. This will be a 1, 2, 3, 4, or a 5 5 – extremely well qualified 4 – well qualified 3 – qualified 2 - possibly qualified 1 – no recommendation

What does it mean? If your score is a “3” or higher, many colleges and universities will award college credit. This will save you money in tuition fees. Some students are able to take care of their first year of college through AP classes in high school.

What does it mean? Starting early not only gives you time to earn those credits, but helps you establish the skills and habits needed to succeed in a rigorous curriculum. Criteria for awarding credit depends on the college or university. You are encouraged to consider a school's policy with regard to AP credit when looking at colleges or universities.

HOMEWORK You can expect homework every week night and some on the weekends. Homework consists of reading and taking notes from the textbook, watching supplemental video clips or online assignments and some writing.

What you can do to help: Keep up with dead-lines. These are posted on daily warm ups. Talk to parents/friends/study groups about the topics being learned in class. The more you review the information the easier it goes into long term memory I Encourage you to watch a nightly news program, read news websites and follow major news stories. (See USA today link)

Our Textbook The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, 10th edition James M. Rubenstein, PhD

Our Review Text Download App: 5 steps to a 5 (FREE) Iscore5 APHG (4.99)

What to Expect on Exam Day Date: Friday, May 18, 2018 Time: 8 am Place: FCTHS Arnold Gym Students around the country will be taking the exam on the same day.

What Is On the Exam The exam lasts approximately three hours. The first half (60 minutes) consists of 75 multiple choice questions and makes up 50% of the final score. The second half consists of three free response questions (essays), lasts 75 minutes and makes up the other half of the score.

What to Expect on Exam Day The exam is proctored by our testing coordinator Only FCTHS students will be taking the exam The exam lasts three hours. No one will be excused early. You must bring a picture id, pencils, pens and are encouraged to bring a watch, a jacket and a snack. NO CELL PHONES, ETC. ALLOWED!

What to Expect on Exam Day You are expected to arrive promptly to school the morning of the exam. Afternoon test: You will need to arrange a ride home that afternoon since the exam will end after 3 p.m.

Exam Scores The multiple choice section is machine scored. The essays are scored in early June by high school AP Human Geography teachers and college professors of Human Geography. They assemble for approximately one week in Cincinnati, Ohio to read and score the FRQ's (Free Response Questions). The final exam scores are posted online in early July.

If a Score Is Lower Than a 3..... While we try our best to assure that every student earns a 3 or higher, not every student does. Parents need to remember that their child has still gained some valuable skills and experience that will help them throughout high school. Many students go on to take other AP courses, earn the weighted points and often go on to pass future exams.

Extra Help is Available After school tutoring will be offered every Wednesday immediately after school. There will be an opportunity to take a practice exam in the spring. Date TBA.

How do I know if I am ready for AP? Work habits have you ever had to study or has it just come easy Will you read and study if there is no worksheet attached Do I turn work in on time Do I depend on extra credit Absent?

May 18, 2018 8 AM

Parents Play a Critical Role Be your child's best cheer leader! Encourage them when they are feeling down. Help them understand that perseverance over the long run will be rewarded. Check Infinite Campus regularly for updates and deadlines. You can get your password from Mr. Skaggs. E-mail your child's teacher any time you have a question or concern.

Parents Play a Critical Role Make sure your child comes to school. Students who miss a lot of school do not do well on AP exams. QUESTIONS?