Platform-based Design 5KK70 TU/e 2008 Henk Corporaal Bart Mesman
Embedded Systems Courses We go through all the design steps of a complete multi-processor embedded system (containing hardware and software) Discuss many design trade-offs 4 connected courses: Systems on Silicon: 5kk60 Platform-based Design: 5kk10 Multiprocessors: 5kk80 Embedded System Laboratory: 5kk33 (lab course) 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping Objectives: Study the processing components of future multi-processor platforms, ranging from highly flexible processors, to highly computational-efficient processors Learn how to map applications to these components Learn how to exploit the (data) memory hierarchy 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor design spectrum DSP Programmable CPU Programmable DSP Application specific instruction set processor (ASIP) Application specific processor flexibility efficiency 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor design spectrum low medium high high medium low flexibility efficiency ASIC GP proc FPGA DSP ASIP 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman ICE of silicon 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.13 0.07 Computational efficiency [MOPS/W] Feature size [m] [Roza] Intrinsic computational efficiency 3DTV Query by humming i386SX i486DX P5 68040 microsparc Super sparc 601 604 Ultra P6 604e 21164a Turbosparc 21364 7400 Wait for programmable solution or be proactive and take action now 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman Topics (1) Basic RISC principles: MIPS example DSP processors VLIW architectures SIMD architectures ASIPs MIMD architectures NoC and MPSoC Compiling code for ILP architectures 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman Topics (2) RTOS Wireless Sensor Networks Smart Camera (Networks) Data Memory Management techniques Loop transformations Student presentations (2x) based on studied articles 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman Lab exercises Exploration: Programming and Exploration using the Imagine or SiHive architecture Programming a real MP platform: CELL, GPU or IC3D (with Xetal SIMD) platform Program transformations: Optimizing the memory behavior of your program to achieve extreme low power Applying loop transformations 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman Exam and Grading Exam is oral Labexercises can be largely done at home Grading is 40 % theory + 50 % assignments + 10% student presentation Material: Website Slides and Handouts Lab material (largely online) 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Embedded System Architectures on Silicon TIVO Application oriented smart devices adaptable, flexible real-time DSP … implemented in silicon 1 cm2 1V 1 W 10 Euro not a Pentium but a domain specific and programmable ES 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Embedded System Architect Applications (DSP) algorithms C/C++, Java Matlab, SDL, ... is reponsible for a strategic interaction between the different disciplines has a basic knowledge of the is a generalist, not a specialist Embedded System Architect low power analog, robustness/dfm VHDL, Verilog Challenge:permanently confronted with new domains 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
What is a system ? What is system level design ? Can an IC be a system? Or is the PCB that uses the IC the real system ? IC => PCB => rack => system There is always a larger system surrounding the current one. This is often seen as “the real system”. So nobody is doing system level design ? It’s hard to define unless we can find an underlying common characteristic. A system is something complex. 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Complexity [DeMan] Complexity depends on the number of different component types (not number of components) different types of interactions lack of structure in the interactions Complex simple Complexity is different for the architect and for the IC technologist 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
What is a system ? A system is a complex set of heterogeneous elements [Rechtin] A system is a complex set of heterogeneous elements that all together form an organic whole. The whole is more than the sum of the parts. The system has properties beyond those of the parts. The added value comes from the interaction between the parts. Ex. CD player = electronics + optics + mechanics 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Conclusion: type of signal and control processing is different 2 schools: build implementation hardware which can execute both e.g. general purpose processor separation on 2 different parts e.g. processing of events in software (ARM, MIPS, etc…) processing of signals more hardware oriented 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman Example: CD system Servo index Decoder A/D A/D D/A 4 laser diodes Motor loudspeakers External world 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Embedded electronic systems This is explained in the following slides by comparing the introduction of embedded systems with the introduction of the electric motor in the 19th century. 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Phase 1: the electric factory - One central large electric motor - Power was distributed to the workplaces via axes and belts 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Phase 2: the home electric motor - Every home got its private electric motor - A whole suite of appliances could be plugged into this single motor 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Phase 3: ubiquitous electric motor - The electric motor is embedded in the appliance - You often are not aware of the fact that it contains an electric motor (e.g. 60 electric motors in a modern high end car) 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Phase 1: the computing factory - One central large mainframe computer - Compute power was distributed to the workplace terminals via 9600 bps telephone wires 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Phase 2: the personal computer at home - Every home got its private computer - A whole suite of add-ons can be plugged into this single computer 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Phase 3: embedded systems - The micro-controller is embedded in the appliance - You often are not aware of the fact that it contains a micro-controller (e.g. 70 micro-controllers in a modern high end car: engine control, ABS, airbag, airco, interior illumination, central lock, alarm, radio, ...) 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Ambient Intelligence, the concept An environment that is sensitive, adaptive and responsive to the presence of people or objects An environment where technology is embedded, hidden in the background An environment that will preserve security, privacy and trustworthiness while utilizing information when needed and appropriate. People to the foreground, technology to the background Ubiquitous communications Distributed computing Intelligent interfaces So, what is Ambient Intelligence ? Ambient Intelligence refers to an environment that is sensitive, adaptive and responsive to the presence of people or objects. Essential in the concept is that technology is not explicitly visible but embedded, hidden in the background, able to augment activities through smart, non-explicit assistance. Ambient Intelligence also refers to an environment that will preserve security, privacy and trustworthiness while utilizing information when needed and appropriate. [Boekhorst] 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman [DeMan] 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Comparison embedded system PC purpose-built and programmable appliance oriented smart devices multiple hw/sw platforms real-time constraint system adapts to the environment high reliability (no reset button) user friendly deeply embedded software running on limited resources PC general purpose Who “Computes”, anyway ? Single hardware platform ASAP (as soon as possible) env. adapts to the system (wait) lower reliability difficult to use end-user software unlimited resources BUT: both use similar technology e.g. programmable cores, RTOS (e.g. Win-CE) 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman
Embedded Systems: Characteristics safety critical reactive systems: fast reaction on critical control events portable: weight, power dissipation mobile: network protocols, power dissipation consumer systems: cost, reliability, user friendly interface professional systems: availability, reliability, remote analysis and diagnosis, redundancy multimedia = text, graphics, speech, audio, images and video internet oriented embedded systems 11/17/2018 Processor Architectures and Program Mapping H. Corporaal and B. Mesman