Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recap… Part One Entrepreneurial Opportunity
We Covered… Understanding Entrepreneurship Preparing for the Entrepreneurial Journey Recognizing and Creating Opportunity Developing a Business Model
Organizes, Manages and Assumes Risk of a Business or Enterprise What We Know… An Entrepreneur… One who Organizes, Manages and Assumes Risk of a Business or Enterprise
What We Know… Entrepreneurs Innovate to… Solve Problems Improve Quality Preserve
What We Know…. About VALUE… Content Devices Distribution Networks Customer Markets Exchanges Growth
Entrepreneurship The Business Model… How do you make money…? Monetize Value Manage Cash Flows Provide Returns
Answer These Three Questions… So What...? Who Cares…? Why You…?
Preparing to be an Entrepreneur Find a mentor Build a network Learn about entrepreneurs Identify reasons for wanting to own a business Analyze personality and business preferences
Venture Checklist Do you have what it takes to make it as an entrepreneur? Why do you want to start a business? What type of business would be good for you?