Reception Maths Workshop January 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Reception Maths Workshop January 2018

Our aims Develop deep understanding of the fundamentals of the number system - Number Sense Build firm foundations for KS1 curriculum (Mastery – Focus on depth of understanding rather than acceleration) Grow Mathematicians – who enjoy the challenge of maths and have the language to talk about it Develop a Growth Mindset

Shape, Space and Measure Numbers The Curriculum Shape, Space and Measure Numbers The 3 strands of the maths national curriculum. Each very important but recently there has been an increased emphasis on reasoning and problem solving and an emphasis on an ability to apply maths. This slide and the next one were shared at a recent maths session for parents at Tudor Grange  - as this shift is very much evident in the new reformed GCSE and teaching needs to support this. In Year 2 – Maths SATs – 2 Papers – Arithmetic and Mathematical Reasoning 0

Mathematical Language The maths curriculum in EYFS is heavily reliant on the use of mathematical vocabulary and the ability of children to be able to explain and share their ideas (Links to Mastery in KS1)

Early Learning Goal Shape, Space and Measures Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

Early Learning Goal Numbers Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing

The maths week at Streetsbrook Continuous provision Practical session Recorded session Think Lab

Our aims Develop deep understanding of the fundamentals of the number system - Number Sense Build firm foundations for KS1 curriculum (Mastery – Focus on depth of understanding rather than acceleration) Grow Mathematicians – who enjoy the challenge of maths and have the language to talk about it Develop a Growth Mindset

Number Sense We know from research that a key focus for early mathematics needs to be developing number sense recognising numbers as dice and dominoes patterns (subitising) understanding number symbols, e.g. ‘the fiveness’ of 5 comparing numbers, knowing which is more/less predicting the result of adding or taking away one

Numicon Helping children ‘see the maths’

Developing Number Sense Concrete Manipulatives - A whole school approach One of the changes we have made at Streetsbrook has been to invest in concrete manipulatives (thank you to the PTA for facilitating this) as a key learning tool for all children. In the past resources like this have been mostly associated with Early Years or children who are struggling but we now see them as central to out teaching approach across all abilities and all year groups

The ‘sixness’ of 6 6

Our aims Develop deep understanding of the fundamentals of the number system - Number Sense Build firm foundations for KS1 curriculum (Mastery – Focus on depth of understanding rather than acceleration) Grow Mathematicians – who enjoy the challenge of maths and have the language to talk about it Develop a Growth Mindset

Think Lab NRICH : Pirate Panda has taken all the treasure, 20 golden coins. Cat, Dog and Rabbit jump about excitedly, “Can we have some too?” “No! No! No!” says Pirate Panda. Can the children suggest what Panda ought to do?

Our aims Develop deep understanding of the fundamentals of the number system - Number Sense Build firm foundations for KS1 curriculum (Mastery – Focus on depth of understanding rather than acceleration) Grow Mathematicians – who enjoy the challenge of maths and have the language to talk about it Develop a Growth Mindset

I can’t do this, it’s too difficult for me, Growth Mind-set ? I can’t do this, it’s too difficult for me, I’m no good at maths. This is challenging, I can’t do it yet but perhaps I can use some of what I already know and with hard work and some support I’m sure I’ll get there.

Developing a Growth Mind-set at home Be encouraging , even if they are wrong (Oh I see what you are thinking but … rather than… no, that’s wrong) Don’t associate maths with speed (This can lead to maths anxiety, especially in girls) Never share the idea that you were bad at maths at school or you dislike it (Maths achievement has been shown to drop, particularly when mothers share this with daughters) Think about the praise you give (I like how you worked that out… rather than… You are so clever at maths) Remind children that ‘mistakes’ grow their brain

How can you help? Home: Games: ‘Snakes & Ladders’, Dominoes - Invaluable for developing number sense Setting the table, how many people, how many knives, etc. Sorting the washing by size, colour etc. Can you cut your toast into squares, triangles, in half? Pocket money – coin recognition, shopping Maths through songs , rhymes and stories I Spy (shapes, colours, size,) Talk maths Lots of apps and websites aimed at making maths fun * Don’t forget – Growth Mindset! Maths is everywhere! Enjoy it and so will your child!

How can you help? Outdoors: Outdoor games - Hop Scotch, Hide and Seek , Den Building, Hunt the number… Estimating - leaves on a branch, conkers in a pile, how long it will take to run up the garden and back… Compare/order by size/weight/length/ capacity - leaves, twigs, stones, shells, sand water… Look for patterns/ shapes - fencing, roofing, buildings… Environmental numbers - car number plates, house numbers, buses… I Spy (shapes, colours, sizes) Talk maths * Don’t forget – Growth Mindset! Maths is everywhere! Enjoy it and so will your child!

Meet Miss Maths

Questions? Thank you for coming!