Rachel Blake and Sarah Richards Diversity and Unity in the maths department Rachel Blake and Sarah Richards
What makes a difference? Support from curriculum areas – all working together Someone to believe in them 15% and 50% pass ‘it is all psychological’ Level 3 – last chance Small group Collaborative work possible Less poor behaviour Structured resources Step by step teaching methods Rote learning of essentials Paper after Paper Identifying what you had to do to get full marks
What change to make first? Growth mind set Helpful beliefs and attitudes Growth zone model Positive norms Exploratory questions Scaffolding Being less helpful Mathematical Resilience Stuck Strategies Efficient methods Support Motivation (maths relevant) ALIVE Tasks Modelling problems e.g., bar model Low floor, high ceiling tasks Peer coaching skills
United by a common focus? Mastery experiences with challenging tasks interpretation Past experience at similar tasks http://www.sesp.northwestern.edu/masters-learning-and-organizational-change/knowledge-lens/stories/2013/the-silent-team-member-how-a-lack-of-self-efficacy-can-lead-to-self-limiting-behavior-in-the-context-of-team-decision-making.html Adapted by Sarah Richards 2017
Helpful beliefs and attitudes Mathematical Resilience Mastery experiences with challenging tasks interpretation Helpful beliefs and attitudes Growth mind set Growth zone model Positive norms Exploratory questions Scaffolding Being less helpful Mathematical Resilience Stuck Strategies Efficient methods Support Motivation (maths relevant) ALIVE Tasks Modelling problems e.g., bar model Low floor, high ceiling tasks Peer coaching skills
rachel.blake@abingdon-witney.ac.uk sarah.richards@abingdon-witney.ac.uk sejrichards@gmail.com
Cognitive activation instruction 10% more likely to get easy questions correct 50% more likely to get complex questions right
http://www. oecd-ilibrary http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/ten-questions-for-mathematics-teachers-and-how-pisa-can-help-answer-them_9789264265387-en;jsessionid=29c40j4h8feax.x-oecd-live-03