LEARNER PERFORMANCE IN MATHS AND SCIENCE AT FET LEVEL Reflections on models for supporting learners
No of children wrote grade 12 in 2014: 532 860 Number who take Maths: 225 458 We are not producing the numbers of Maths and science quality passes for the technical skills for growth and competiveness to grow the economy Source:http://www.equaleducation.org.za/article/2015-01-07-on-the-2014-matric-results Number who pass Maths at 30%: 120 535 Number who pass Maths with score above 70%: 10359 Number of African learners who pass Maths with score above 70%: 4274 In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
How can we add to the pool of quality passes while systemic change is addressed? Proposition: Learner with potential Placement at school with good Maths & Science results Quality Grade 12 pass in MSL above 60% In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
Learners: Disadvantaged Learners Schools: High Performing Maths and Science schools Duration: Grade 10 to 12 and Grade 8 to 12 Inputs: School fees (tuition), resources, uniforms, school excursions, school resources In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
However, more ingredients were required: Additional ingredient 1 Additional ingredient 2 Additional ingredient 3 Additional ingredient 4 Academic support Required due to backlogs in foundational concepts and skills Camps, Extra Classes, Individual tutors Psycho-social support Required due to new environment and no experience of maths and science in the home environment Mentors, peer groups, Individual counselling Tertiary access support Implications of success at Grade 12 – getting learner into a tertiary institution and programme Applications to university Applications for funding Bridging loans Support to schools While good schools were selected, this is a fragile and tenuous state School leadership Bursaries for study Teacher support In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes. Number of those who pass at 60%, are African
Learner with potential Academic support Psycho-social support Placement at school with good Maths & Science results Learner with potential Academic support Psycho-social support Tertiary access support Support to schools In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
Learner Programme Impact: Results from 10 years of experience Total invested over 10 years: R120 million Costs per learner R58,088 – R74,782 Number of learners that participated in the programme: 1,615 Number that achieved Bachelor passes and over 60% in Maths, Science & English: 1,183 Number that went to tertiary institutions: 828 In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
Lessons Learnt Learner selection: The school of the learner must be considered as a proxy of education disadvantaged Selection instruments must be fair, reliable and valid to test for potential Academic support: Targeted support must be based on diagnostic assessment, remediation and academic extension Value-Add Acitivites Olympiads Maths and Science Clubs Implementation: Not a quick fix – complex set of issues in current educational environment Constant reflection on the the Theory of Change Need for courageous decision making in project implementation In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
Partnerships : Funding Partners: Implementation BankSeta and Michael and Susan Dell Foundation Implementing Partners CASME Wendy Heard ISASA TEN Evaluators & Researchers Paul Hobden Angela Schaffer Sally Hobden Nosise Feza-Piyose Bursary Partners Moshal Foundation BankSeta Thutuka Sector Partners NSFAS Grahamstown Foundation In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
Focus on the school as a unit of intervention Future Direction – from a learner placement model to a school focus Focus on the school as a unit of intervention Within the school: focus on school leadership and management, teachers and learners Integration of all our lessons on the necessary conditions for success In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.
“All the lessons from our programmes feed into our knowledge base which improves our own capacity to deliver - Gail Campbell, CEO, Zenex Foundation In the Learner Placement Programme, that was implemented over a period of 10 years, this involved supporting cohorts of learners, formative evaluations which were fed into the interventions, which evolved over time. It deepened understanding of the factors that impact on learners from disadvantaged schools and homes.