How to help your child at home Thursday 23rd November 2017
Today is about how to help your child at home with reading, writing and maths.
Reading Reading stamina Decoding Comprehension Prediction Summarising Inference and deduction
Working at the expected standard Read accurately most words of two or more syllables Read most words containing common suffixes Read most common exception words Read with accuracy and fluency Read with understanding Answer questions and make some inferences
Questions you could ask your child Retrieval - what happened at the beginning? Inference - what words tell us he was unhappy? Organisation - why is this word in bold print? Language - why did the author choose a particular word or phrase? View point - was this text trying to persuade you to do something ? Context - give two examples that show this is a traditional tale
Writing Stories with familiar settings Traditional tales Significant author Extended stories Instructions, explanations and information texts Reports Poetry
Working at the expected standard To be a good writer children need: writing stamina to punctuate sentences with capital letters and full stops, with some use of question marks and exclamation marks to structure sentences that are grammatically correct to spell many common exception words such as: said, they, where, were, are, there, their and they’re - etc to begin to use joined up writing
How can you help your child Talk to your child about what they are learning at school or any after school clubs. Give them opportunities to practise writing. We should all aim to be grammatically correct in speech and in writing!
Maths Maths is everywhere! Number Shape and space Measures Data handling Problem solving and reasoning
Working at the expected standard partitioning, adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers recognising inverse relationships recalling and using multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 times tables simple fractions use money accurately read simple scales tell the time to the nearest 15 minutes describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
How can you help your child? Look for maths in the environment Games - dice, cards, dominoes, computer games Building models and measuring Cooking - using weights and scales and reading the dials Handling money Telling the time - analogue/digital Playing with containers and comparing their size
Thank you for coming to our presentation. Mrs McGuire Mrs Pearce