Year 2 (Robins) – Spring 1- 2017 Miss Bayliss Year 2 (Robins) – Spring 1- 2017 Notes Welcome back! I hope you’ve had a fantastic winter break and enjoyed the holidays. We have lots of new things to learn about! Maths English This half term we will be looking at addition and subtraction, fractions. This half term the children will learn how to write in a number of different styles that will link directly with our animal topic. This will include writing stories, information texts, recounts about our trip and riddles. Topic & Science Science : Animals including humans Topic: Paws, claws and whiskers! The children will be looking at different animals around the world and the habitats they live in. Homework Diary Dates Why not try one of the new homework tasks on the back of this newsletter. All children MUST be reading everyday for at least 10 mins Weekly Maths and Spelling on a Friday. Log in to Mathletics and play games at home. Tuesday and Thursday– PE Trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park – 19th January