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The Lighthouse Curriculum Autumn Term 2017 Maths Number—Place value, Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division Worded problems - Using & Applying Money - Addition, subtraction , finding change Time 2D shape Measuring length PSHE Healthy Eating Science Plants English Crime stories - Writing Reading Comprehension Visual Phonics & spelling Phase 2 & 3 Reading - whole class /guided / individual Handwriting Geography Weather & Climate The Lighthouse Curriculum Autumn Term 2017 Art Natural Art Andy Goldsworthy History Castles and homes through the ages Creative Movement / Performing Arts Dance - different ways we can move. Combining movement with music RE Hinduism Celebrations & Festivals PE Ball game skills Food Technology Naming & using Kitchen equipment, Preparation, safety & hygiene Basic skills: chopping, boiling, beating, spreading, peeling Recipes & ingredients. Coleslaw, tomato soup, pasta gratin, cheesy scones