How does your child learn in Reception? 11th September 2018 Newport Community School Primary Academy How does your child learn in Reception? 11th September 2018
Programme for this evening The ‘Reception Team’ Inclusion Safeguarding Introduction to phonics Reading Early maths learning How to find out how your child is doing How you can support your child at home? Reminders and attendance and punctuality
Whole school organisation for 2018-2019 September 2018 Acting Head Teacher, Mrs Gillian Courtenay Acting Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Sue Gibson (Y1-Y6) Assistant Head Teacher, Mrs Georgie Gratton (Early Years) January 2019 onwards Head Teacher, Mrs Annette Yates, currently Head Teacher at Beaford Primary School, an outstanding school Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Gillian Courtenay Assistant Head Teachers, Mrs Sue Gibson and Mrs Georgie Gratton
Safeguarding… Providing a safe and supportive environment at home and school with best outcomes for children
Attendance and Punctuality Policy for Attendance and Punctuality National guidance- only permit absence in exceptional circumstances. Contextual information regarding Newport and national statistics Ofsted Inspection handbook Staff observations of the impact of absence Analysis of the impact of absence on attainment and progress of children at Newport
Attendance and Punctuality Policy for Attendance and Punctuality Absence only authorised in exceptional circumstances Work with parents in partnership to support attendance and punctuality Parents and teacher meet- Deputy Head, Head Teacher Referral to Educational Welfare Officer if concerns arise and attendance is not improving
Attendance and Punctuality All children must attend school regularly and punctually. Any absence needs to be communicated to the school office. Persistent absence- school age children are persistent absentees if they miss 10% of school time- attendance of 90% or less The children’s life chances and welfare remain central to our work.
E-safety Position Length of time Security settings Monitoring your child’s use of the computer or laptop...or other device. Think about Position Length of time Security settings Social Networking Sites CEOP website- report problems School website/handouts * PANTS campaign *A-Z poster, E-safety *How safe are you online?
Inclusion Georgie Gratton Assistant Head Teacher, SENDco Gillian Courtenay Acting Head Teacher Annette Yates Head Teacher (Jan 2019) Pastoral support, Learning Mentor, Ms Vipond
Inclusion… Full participation and challenge for all Positive action to include all children, equal opportunities for all Learning Mentor, Ms Vipond Groups of children that may receive additional action: Very able/talented Special educational needs English as an additional language Health needs or medical conditions Pastoral needs National funding for service families Pupil premium national funding (Children in Care, previously in care or economic circumstances of families)
Inclusion in the Early Years… Pastoral support, Learning Mentor, Ms Vipond
Contacting Mrs Gratton….. Office- drop in, telephone Email, FAO Mrs Gratton Class teachers Playground Mrs Buttel- for medical issues
Assistant Head Teacher The Reception Team Mrs Willson Miss Partridge Mrs Sanders Mrs Chopra Mrs Thomas Mrs Powell Mr Brewer Mrs Gratton Assistant Head Teacher
An Introduction to phonics Phonics are the sounds made by letters Phonics is one of a range of strategies we are teaching children to use when reading and writing. We teach children the letter sounds which are easiest to say and hear first. We teach the children how to write the letters using the Nelson Handwriting scheme
Phase 2 Phase 3`
Tricky words Words that are tricky to sound out (that don’t follow phonetic rules) Children need to learn what these words look like rather than ‘sounding them out’
Reading Introduction of banded books and books which can be decoded. Reading books will be kept and changed on a Monday and Thursday, ready for the next day. Please write a comment in the reading record, each time you read with your child. Reading.....whole class, guided, phonics, reading to the class.
Reading at home Daily reading Find a time that works for you Make use of our library on Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4 o’clock Talk about the book Enjoy sharing books together
Maths – key objectives Achievement by the end of the year...... Recognise and order numbers to 20 Find one more and one less than a given number Add and subtract two single-digit numbers They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. Shape, space and measure.
Maths at home Counting Counting in 2’s, 5’s Noticing different shapes and colours when you are out and about Hands on experience of money Weighing and measuring Talking about time
Assessment Assessment of the whole child through home and school contributions: Online learning journey (EExAT), learning stories, continual assessment in school Observations (EExAT), photographs, work samples Home contributions; ‘wow’ comments, reading record comments, e-mail Early Excellence Assessment Tracker (EExAT) updated frequently and information shared on parents’ evenings Final assessments are made in June and reported to the local authority
How do I know how my child is doing? Parents meeting (November, March, July) Reports in July Talking to the teacher Workshops EExAT learning journeys
How can I support at school? DBS check Reading in school Trips