47. State Veteran Benefits
State Veteran Benefits vs Federal Veteran Benefits
Federal Veteran Benefits Veteran Affairs Administration TGPS VA Benefits Brief I & II Education Health Care VA Home Loan Service Connected Disability Compensation VSO Veteran Service Organizations
State Veteran Benefits Did you know your state offers great benefits to their veterans?
State Veteran Benefits State Veteran Affairs Offices and Service Officers advocate and provide support and resources for services and benefits they have earned. State benefits Assistance with Veteran Administration free of charge for : Service Connected Disability claims Health Care
State Veteran Benefits Every State offers a variety of Veteran benefits exclusive to their state that may include but not limited to: Education Benefits for Veterans and/or their Family Grants ● Scholarships Employment resources and training State Veteran Homes Discounts and/or Exemptions on Fees & Taxes Property ● Vehicle ● Business ● License State Park recreational discounts Hunting & Fishing
48. Two-Year Commissary & Post exchange Privileges
Two-Year Commissary & Post exchange Privileges 10 USC Chapter 58 Section 1146 The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations to allow a member of the armed forces who is involuntarily separated from active duty during the period beginning on October 1, 2007, and ending on December 31, 2018, to continue to use commissary and exchange stores during the two-year period beginning on the date of the involuntary separation of the member in the same manner as a member on active duty. Honorable and Hubbard Act
Two-Year Commissary & Post exchange Privileges Foreign Country May lose the privilege due to base treaty, Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) or military bases agreements with host country RESOURCES: 10 USC Chapter 58 Section 1146 Personnel Office Transition Assistance Office
https://www. mynavyexchange https://www.mynavyexchange.com/nex/customer-service/authorized-patrons