Turn of the Century City Life


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Presentation transcript:

Turn of the Century City Life Cities were crowded, dirty, unsanitary places Many city dwellers were immigrants who were unskilled workers and were desperate for jobs Many people were crammed into tiny tenements with many families living in one apartment

New “Efficient” Housing- “Dumbbell” Tenements

Dumbbell Tenements This housing was poor and substandard Many families would be forced to live in housing meant for one small family

Substandard housing

Crowded, CROWDED Conditions!

Immigrants Many immigrants left their home countries due to desperation Lack of food, land, money, and jobs Government rule Discrimination and even death due to religion Immigrants struggle and work some dangerous, difficult jobs in order to survive

Children in the Industrial Age Children do not usually receive much education Many children are sent to work to help their parents make ends meet Kids are not always taken care of, and many are living in extreme poverty

Industrial Work Working conditions Jobs were dirty, dangerous, long, and unregulated Some workers had the opportunity to organize, but many (especially unskilled workers) had to accept conditions or find a different job People who got injured or sick were viewed as unfit workers

Unsafe Factories

Improvements for Immigrants In Chicago, Jane Addams founded the Hull House to assist newcomers to America. This settlement house provided English lessons, job skills training, and babysitting services for immigrants With skills that the Hull House helped to teach to immigrants, they were sometimes able to advance themselves socially

Jane Addams and Hull House

Education Reform Many new immigrant children in America- how will they learn to be “American”? Public Schools are going to expand Students will learn to read and write (Literacy) Students will also get assimilated into American culture