Human Nature Who am I?
Nature Nature: A thing’s nature is its basic identity: what kind of thing it is and what purpose and goal it has. quiddity – the essential nature of a thing
Human Nature Imagio Dei – Humans are made in the likeness and image of God. (Genesis 1:26-27)
Truths about Humans Man is in the image of God Human Nature unites spiritual and material worlds Male and Female God and man were created in good standing
What does this mean? Individually - Humans have free will and an intellect/reason. Also we have immortal souls. Communally – We are made for relationships (Holy Trinity). Note – Humans are not God but like Him.
HUMAN Harmed by Concupisence -original sin wounded human nature -still desire what is good but inclined to sin (it’s a battle!) Unity of body and soul -spiritual and immortal soul -has power to think (intellect) & to choose and love (will) Made by God in his image to love and be loved - made by God, for God - gives us our dignity Able to be healed and transformed by grace (sacraments) n -we can have new life because Christ delivered us iNtellect and will - intellect helps us to know what is right and wrong - will can choose
Human Capabilities Self – Knowledge Free will Enter into communion with others Knowledge of God Love (willing the good of the other) No other creature can do this. Why are they unable to love?
So now what? We have free will and can do anything we want. What is it that every single human person wants? To be happy! What must I to do be happy?
Transcendentals Good True Beautiful
How to find happiness To seek only what is good and live according to nature, purpose and end. The key to happiness is fulfilling your nature, not only as a human person but as an unique individual who has a vocation. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you…” - Jeremiah 1:5
Purpose of Life To know, love and serve God and to be happy with Him in the next life!
St. Augustine’s Wisdom “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” St. Augustine of Hippo
Happiness vs. Pleasure (not the same) Lasting feeling of joy where we are fulfilled. “Cannot be sustained beyond the activity producing it”
God’s response to us Free Will – The gift from God which includes the power of directing one’s own actions without constraint. This makes possible the choice to love.
God’s response to us Love – Will the good of the other. God wants what is good for us. Love is more than just a feeling.
Evil is the risk of Love In order to will another’s good you also have to have the ability to not will another’s good. One cannot be forced to love. The moment love is coerced it fails to be a movement of the will (a choice) and therefore is not longer love. God does not want evil to enter the world but often times it does because people choose love.
God’s response to us Grace – Free and unmerited favor of God given first of through all the sacraments. Grace is a share in the divine life infused into the soul by the Holy Spirit to heal from sin and to sanctify.
Our Response to God Leading lives of love and virtue while being open to his grace. Become the best version of yourself.
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4 Loves Storge – Liking someone through fondness of familiarity. Phileo – Best friend or brotherly love based on a deep connection of values, beliefs, or experiences. Eros – Romantic or marital love Agape – Highest love, self sacrificing “God” love.