Introduction Under this scheme Wheat and Rice is provided to Fair price shops based on the Monthly allocation given by the Rural Development Dept. Allocation is based on primary student and middle students.
Software Module Transport order is responsible for allotment to the fps shop. After creating the transport order delivery will be done through on issue centers. At the time of delivery they created the delivery challan. Transporter received the Pawti from issue center and then transporter take this pawti to the fps with allotment he lifted from go down and then it will be filled by the fps shop owner. This pawti is used as a received point entry. And then all details of receiving will be filled in our system against of receiving.
Steps to Create Transport Order For MDM First login through district login. Select Dwarpraday Master Dwarpraday screen will appear and than select MDM के परिवहन आदेश के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे | MDM Transport Order Screen will Display Screenshot of related screen with controls in next slide. Select options from dropdown and click on get details allotment details will displayed in option and then select save to generate Transport Order.
Screen for Transport Order
Steps to create Delivery Chalan Login from issue center and then select Dwarpraday Yojna Option which is listed in Issue tab in menu Bar
Dwarpraday Issue Option For MDM
Steps To Generate Transport Order In the beginning you will get a message regarding to truck remaining capacity so enter the remaining capacity of truck and you won’t be allow to issue more than this capacity. There is for options is given to selection of transport order which will be displayed on the basis of year. Select sector name it will fill all related fps to the fps dropdown then select year from the years selection. And all related transport order for all schemes it will be fill into using select option you can chose the respected transport order at one time you can select multiple transport order as well.
(Delivery Challan Screen(Issue))
Selection to display transport Order
Transport Order Details After all selection
After selection of transport order
Balance Quantity will be display
Commodity Selection and Save
Delivery Challan generated You will get the message delivery chalan generated successfully And than print delivery chalan
Screen For Receiving Bags Entry
Screen To Receiving Of Delivery
Reports For MDM
Allotment Details Report All District Wise
School Wise MDM Allotment Details
MDM Allotment, Lifting & Distribution