Microsoft Word for the Mac Tricia Sharkey & Nick Kozin C.A.S.E. Assistive Technology
Supports for Reading Color Background Color Background Font Color Font Color Text Size Text Size Copy Text into Word Copy Text into Word Look Up/Translate Look Up/Translate Reading View Reading View Auto Summarize Auto Summarize Text to Speech Text to Speech
COLOR BACKGROUND 1. Select Format tab 2. Select Background 3. Select Color
Judith Sweeney reference regarding color backgrounds for reading supports See Judith Sweeney handout- Color and Technology: Using Color On and Off the Computer with Students with Disabilities
FONT COLOR 1. Select Format Tab 2. Select Font 3. Select the desired Font Color
TEXT SIZE 1. Select Format tab 2. Select Font 3. Choose Font Style 4. Change Font Size
COPY TEXT into WORD 1. Find the desired article or text 2. Click on the printable version of the text (this is applicable if you are printing from the internet) 3. Copy all text by pressing Command A or go to Edit Tab and Select ALL or highlight desired text and copy Command C or go to Edit Tab and Copy text 4. Then paste text into word document Command V or go to Edit Tab and Paste text
LOOK UP/TRANSLATE The user can look up a definition or translate a word by: 1. Highlight desired word 2. Place cursor somewhere within word 3. Right click the mouse to bring up a menu 4. Choose Look Up for dictionary feature 5. Choose Translate to translate a word or highlighted portion of text 6. To close the Research task pane, click on the X in the upper right top of the task pane
Change READING VIEW To change the view that the text is presented in turn your attention to the lower left hand corner of the screen: The following options are available: Normal Outline Page Layout Notebook
AUTO SUMMARIZE If you have text to read on your computer like an article from the internet, then you can use AutoSummarize to help pick out the most important information. 1.Select Tools tab 2.Go to Auto Summarize 3.Select Type of Summary 4.Click OK 5.A new document will open 6.The original document will still be open
READABILITY STATISTICS After completing a spelling and/or grammar check, a Readability analysis will appear.
TEXT TO SPEECH (TTS) Go to the View Tab Select Toolbars Select Speech Toolbar A floating palette will appear Text needs to be highlighted Select Speak Selection to hear text being read
Supports for Writing Creating Tables Drag and Drop Text Find and Replace Customizing Tools Bars Text to Speech
CREATING TABLES Select Table tab Scroll down to Insert Select Table Determine table size (columns and rows, etc.)
DRAG AND DROP TEXT Select text to be moved Place arrow over selected text Left mouse click, hold and drag to desired location
FIND AND REPLACE Go to the Edit tab Select FIND Follow prompts Or Select REPLACE Follow prompts
CUSTOMIZING TOOLBARS If you want to customize your toolbar to include features that you often use or feel are important to have immediate access to, you can: - Select View tab and scroll down to Toolbars - Select Customize Toolbars/Menus all the way at the bottom, follow prompts to create a customized toolbar
TEXT TO SPEECH (TTS) Go to the View Tab Select Toolbars Select Speech Toolbar A floating palette will appear Text needs to be highlighted Select Speak Selection to hear text being read * It is important to note that the TTS feature can be used to support both reading and writing
Supports for Study Skills Highlight Text
HIGHLIGHTING Select View tab Scroll down to Toolbars Check Formatting