Created by Alex Goossen 7 South Meet Ms. Danielson Created by Alex Goossen 7 South
Growing Up... Where did you grow up: Lincoln Nebraska Who did your family consist of: My Mom and Dad, younger sister and brother, and dogs and cats When you attended K-12th Grade what was your favorite subject; teacher: Subject-French, Teacher-Mrs. Renken What high school did you attend? Lincoln Southeast High School Class of ‘82
How many years have you been teaching or is this your first teaching job: 10 years Do you coach any athletics or academics at this school or in Beatrice: Special Olympics Why did you choose to come and teach at Beatrice Middle School: I choose to come and teach at BMS because Beatrice is close to my family and the position is very challenging Where did you live before you came to Beatrice to teach? Sutherland NE (near North Platte) Do you have a job outside of BMS or a summer job? No Teaching
Other Facts... Do you live inside Beatrice Now? Yes Are you married? Yes If so do you have any children? Yes One son and 2 step sons Have you always lived in NE? Pretty Much
Favorites Book: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish Movie: Monty Python and Holy Grail Show: CSI Color: Green Song: String of Pearls Animal: Cat Food: Chicken Beverage: Tea