Prehistoric Native Texans
Paleo-Indians Paleo-Indians Culture Time Period Region Home Food Lifestyle Paleo-Indians 10,000 – 6000 BCE “Midland Minnie” Asia to North America over land bridge during ice age ??? Tools – Flint tipped spears, stones Hunted mammoths, mastodons and wild buffalo (extinct) Nomadic
Archaic Period Archaic Period (Ice Age Ends) Culture Time Period Region Home Food Lifestyle Archaic Period (Ice Age Ends) 6000 BCE – 700 AD “Abilene Man” Throughout North America ??? Tools – Atlatl, tamed dogs Hunted buffalo, deer antelope, gathered wild roots and berries Nomadic
Late Prehistoric Period Culture Time Period Region Home Food Lifestyle Late Prehistoric Period 700 AD – 1500 AD Throught North America Villages Tools: potter, bows and arrows, stone axes, bone fishhooks Planted crops, hunted buffalo, deer, fish, and rabbits Settled, agricultural
Mayans Mayans Culture Time Period Region Home Food Lifestyle 300 AD – 900 AD Collapsed for reasons unknown Mesoamerica - southern Mexico Villages Trade, religious centers, pyramids Tools: pottery Planted crops Corn, beans, squash Settled
Aztecs Aztecs Culture Time Period Region Home Food Lifestyle 1200 AD – 1500 AD Collapsed after explorers came Mesoamerica – Central America Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) Giant temples and pyramids Planted crops: Beans, corn, squash Settled