What is Animal Science? Animal Science is the science of animal growth, selection, breeding, care and management.
Divisions of Animal Science Livestock – larger animals such as Dairy and Beef Cattle, Sheep, Swine (Pigs), and Goats Companion Animals – smaller animals such as dogs, cats, fish, reptiles, rabbits, etc.
Divisions of Animal Science Equine Science – Horses Poultry - Chickens (Broilers and Layers) and Turkeys
Domestication of Animals Domestication – means to adapt the behavior of an animal to fit the needs of people. Began when early humans had contact with wild animals, which were hunted for food and skins Reasons for Domestication of Animals To ensure a steadier supply of food and clothing Companionship Assist in Labor
Domestication of Animals Reasons for Domestication of Animals (cont) Less dependence on hunting and wild plants for food A more settled way of life.
Origin of Cattle Descendants of Bos taurus and Bos indicus Bos taurus - European breads of Cattle Bos inducus – Humped cattle that originated in tropical countries such as India First brought to the U.S. by Christopher Columbus in 1493
Origin of Cattle Bos indicus Bos taurus
Today’s Cattle Major growth of large herds in great plains states because of grazing. Midwest and north central states became the main area for finishing cattle because of grain.
Today’s Cattle Finishing Grazing
Origin Of Swine Descendents of Sus scrofa the European wild boar and Sus vittatus the East Indian Pig History reports that the Chinese were the first to tame swine in 4900 B.C. First swine brought to new world by Christopher Columbus in 1493.
Sus scrofa Sus vittatus
Today’s Swine Hernando Desoto brought 13 head of swine to Florida during his exploration and they expanded from there. The main expansion of swine industry occurred in the Corn Belt states, an area where feed for finishing hogs for market was available
Today’s Swine Finishing
Origin of Sheep One of the first animals tamed by humans Used by colonists mainly for wool Brought to new world by Christopher Columbus Northeast and Western States are main sheep producing areas of U.S.
Origin of Sheep 4000 BC
Origin of Goats Pasang and Grecian Ibex- Wild goats found in Asia Minor Goats brought to new world for milk and hair Western Asia
Origin of Horses Evolved from Eohippus First tamed in Asia or Persia Brought to new world by Columbus Brought to new world for work animals Horses were left behind by explorers = Mustangs
Origins of Horses Asia and Persia
Origin Of Poultry Gallus gallus- Wild jungle fowl, ancestor of tame chickens Turkeys were probably tamed by people originally living in America India and China Egypt North America
Gallus gallus