The Spheres of Earth (text ref. page 29-31)
What features of Earth can you see? I Spy… What features of Earth can you see?
What features of Earth can you see? I Spy Cont’d.. What features of Earth can you see?
What features of Earth can you see? I Spy Cont’d.. What features of Earth can you see?
Learning Goals We are learning the 4 spheres of the earth. We are learning the interactions of the 4 spheres of the earth.
The Spheres of Earth The Earth is comprised of 4 spheres: atmosphere lithosphere hydrosphere biosphere Video
(1) The Lithosphere the rocky outer shell of Earth consists of rocks and minerals makes up the mountains, ocean floors and the rest of Earths solid landscape
(2) The Biosphere where life can exist within the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere conditions required for life must be met but resources are limited
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(3) The Atmosphere the layer of gases extended upward from Earth made up of 78% nitrogen gas, 21% oxygen gas and other gases moderates temperatures and blocks some harmful solar radiation
(4) The Hydrosphere all of Earth’s water in solid, liquid, and gas form includes oceans, lakes, ice, groundwater, and clouds
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The Spheres of Earth these four spheres overlap with one another
The Gaia Hypothesis James Lovelock in the 1960’s proposed that Earth behaves like a living organism used to promote a more caring attitude towards the Earth
Learning Goals We are learning the 4 spheres of the earth. We are learning the interactions of the 4 spheres of the earth.
Homework Read pages 29-31 Answer questions #1, 2, 4, 5 on page 31