Central Arkansas Transit Authority Enhancing the Downtown Economy
Streetcar Cost Comparison Comparison of Initial Start Up Costs Construction of the River Rail was relatively low. Comparison of Streetcar Operations As stated in the main report, each city encountered unique favorable and unfavorable conditions in constructing their system which lead to lower and higher costs. For example, Kenosha had 2 streetcars donated to them. Memphis encountered high utility construction costs. Little Rock had to contend with the Main Street bridge. The River Rail is operated very efficiently, costing $35 less per hour than the next most efficient historic streetcar system.
Economic Enhancement Study Inventory of Businesses & Capital Improvements ------------------------------------ Walking tour of area Forming key partnerships Contacting each location Verifying data & info After the walking inventory was completed, CATA formed partnerships with the Planning Depts of each city, with private developers, with real estate agents, with the Chamber of Commerce, and with downtown improvement agencies to inventory rehabilitation and new construction projects since year 2000 and the amount of investment for each project. Study area based on a ¼ mile buffer area (a 5 minute walk) AND the built environment Study area = less than 1 square mile
Have the downtowns experienced an economic revitalization? These direct benefits then trickle down to secondary benefits and revenues which continue to help build a stronger downtown economy and a stronger community.
River Rail Expansion Studies Extension north along Main St in NLR – 2.5 miles Extension south along Main St in LR – 1.5 miles There are long range plans that recommend several line extensions to the streetcar system. One recommendation is for an extension north along Main Street in NLR past Pershing Blvd and into the historic Park Hill neighborhood. Another recommendation is a for an extension south along Main Street in LR through the vibrant SoMa neighborhood and as far south as Roosevelt Rd. Other recommendations are for the streetcar to extend to the Clinton National Airport and to cross the Broadway Bridge.