What Is Carbon? Carbon (C) is an element All things (matter) are made of elements Carbon is the most important element found in ALL LIFE
Carbon Cycle Because carbon sticks easily to other elements, it is constantly moving The same carbon atoms are used repeatedly on earth. They cycle between the different spheres of Earth
What are the spheres of Earth? Earth is divided up into four main spheres:
The Atmosphere The atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding the Earth
The Hydrosphere The hydrosphere is anywhere that water exists on Earth (the Water Cycle)
The Geosphere The Geosphere (also known as Lithosphere) is all the solid parts of the Earth
The Biosphere The Biosphere is anywhere on Earth that life exists
Processes that Transfer Carbon Between Earth’s Systems (Spheres) - Photosynthesis - Consumption - Respiration - Decomposition - Combustion - Weathering - Degassing - Dissolution
Photosynthesis Plants use energy, water and carbon dioxide to produce their own food in a process called photosynthesis
Consumption When primary consumers eat plants, they eat the carbon as well. If a secondary consumer eats a primary consumer, the carbon is also transferred
Respiration Animals breathe out carbon through respiration Plants release a bit of carbon as well
Decomposition When plants and animals die, most of their bodies are broken down and the carbon in their bodies is returned to the atmosphere. Some carbon is not decomposed fully and end up in the geosphere underground (soil, oil, coal, etc.) or at the bottom of ocean.
Combustion (Burning) Forest and grass fires are a natural, required part of the carbon cycle that release carbon into the atmosphere and geosphere. Fire returns carbon to the soil and “cleans out” unhealthy plants, allowing new plants to grow.
Weathering Carbon in rocks and underground is released very slowly into the atmosphere. This process takes many years
Degassing When carbon dioxide in the ocean comes under pressure, it is sometimes released into the atmosphere
Dissolution Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere sometimes dissolves into the ocean (especially if the water is cold)
Carbon Cycle Diagram
The Industrial Revolution A time when humans started making things in factories Factories needed power To get this power humans would burn coal, which released a lot of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere
Activity In groups of 4, create a skit that models the transfer of Carbon through the Carbon Cycle. 1 or more individuals should take the role of a carbon atom.