Chapter 1: Earth as a System
Science is: Any system of knowledge which tries to observe, identify, understand and describe the nature of the Universe in whole or part.
What is Earth Science?? Earth Science is the study of our entire planet, its past history, and how it has changed, its present activity, and the way that it will change in the future.
Earth Science is the study of our planet’s interacting systems (the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere) , its place within the solar system, and the universe beyond the earth.
Interactions among the Earth’s spheres change the spheres to differing degrees. These impacts can be single events, temporary changes, or ongoing change.
Energy Budget balance of energy coming in & out of Earth too much in, not enough out= TOO HOT! too much out, not enough in= TOO COLD!
Albedo % of energy reflected w/o being changed affected by different colors
How do Earth’s different surfaces affect how much of sun’s energy is absorbed?