Warm Up Journal: How would you explain to someone how to properly make a cake or a pie? 10/4/16
Finish Oral Interpretation speeches Paul Mendo Brandon Bendickson Olivia Lilly LaShawn Green
Informative Speeches Information that is truthful, fair, and objective Facts that have not been exaggerated or distorted Visual aids designed to represent facts and relationships Ideas & concepts that are clear and easy to understand Ideas presented with tact, in a manner that does not make the audience feel threatened
The Components of informational texts Definitions and other necessary background information about your topic Description - paint a detailed picture for your audience - use figures of speech and other literary devices Explanation - a statement about the relationship between certain items and often answers the questions who, what, where, when, & why When a topic is complex, sometimes particular portions should be explained or clarified.
Citing your Sources Any time that you use information that you found from a source other than your own mind, you must cite the source!!! Even if you read the information in the newspaper yesterday, or saw something about it on the news, you still have to cite where the information came from! For instance: According to an article in the News & Observer, "your quote would go here" (Author'sLastNameHere).
...But I put it in "my own words" EVEN if you are using "your own words," if the information was originally someone else's idea or research, you must indicate where that original information came from For example, let's say that I want to use the following quote in a paper: "Kidd-Gilchrist was released from a Houston hospital Sunday and flew to Miami to rejoin the team. But before he plays again, he’s required to pass neurological tests specified under a year-old NBA concussion protocol." Bonnell, Rick. "On Charlotte Bobcat Michael Kidd-Gilchrist and the NBA's Concussion Protocol." www.charlotteobserver.com. n.p., n.d. Web. The Charlotte Observer reported that after experiencing a concussion, Kidd-Gilchrist has been released from the hospital and went to Miami to join the team, but must pass a series of tests required by the NBA before he can return (Bonnell).
Works Cited Page All sources used to write your paper should be included on the Works Cited Page For information on how to complete a works cited page, you can visit purdueowl.com All sources should be in alphabetical order (by the author’s last name, or first word in citation).
CNN Student News Watch the video and write down important facts or information shared Aim for at least three to four important facts from the video
Practice Look over your notes from the CNN Student News & choose an interesting story to write a 30-second informative speech about This speech counts as a participation grade Your speech should include: Attention Getter Connect the Attention Getter and thesis statement Thesis – Ex: “According to Carl Azuz on the CNN Student News...” Main ideas with details to back them up Conclusion that restates main point, ties up loose ends, and ends with a memorable statement You have 10 minutes to write your speech! Make sure that you mention in your speech where your information came from! “According to CNN Student News...”