MISD Parent University 10th Grade
Hello! HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELORS Our role is to advocate for students through direct and indirect services focusing on academic, career, and social & emotional needs. You can find our contact information on the Lake Ridge High School website (lakeridge.mansfieldisd.org). what you see students for primarily and the overall role of a school counselor.
Campus Staff Principals: Mr. Brandon Johnson-Principal Mrs. Kourtney Gates-Academic Mr. TJ Planas (A-FLORE) Mr. Michael Sypert (FLORF-McGe) Mrs. Tambia Wesco (McGf--RAN) Mr. Rob Romaguera (RAO-Z) Counselors: Mrs. Kimberly Wilson (A-COF) Mrs. Leandra Lester (COG-GEO) Mrs. Staci Ross (GEP-LAM) Mrs. Ashley Wann (LAN-OKA) Mrs. Margie Tyrone (OKB-SMI) Mrs. Lisa Davis (SMJ-Z) Identify the students assigned AP and Counselor
STUDENT COMPETENCIES Academic Career Social/Emotional Courses PSAT GPA/Ranking Dual Credit Career Planning Course Alignment Endorsements/Certificates Social/Emotional Time Management Social Media Resiliency Talk about ASCA model and the student competencies – we will drill down under each competency in a slide.
1. Biggest Question? What should we be focusing on this year to prepare for graduation and the transition after high school? Address what a 10th grader should be focusing on as they prepare for graduation.
How do I know my student is enrolled in the “right” courses? Talk about 10th grade classes and what colleges look for in terms of graduation. The requirements, number of credits, etc.
PSAT/SAT/ACT Test dates, score reports, and more. Talk about PSAT day of testing (Oct 10th), National Merit, when to take the SAT/ACT (colleges don’t have a preference, we suggest they take them both to see where they excel)
GPA/Ranking & Transcripts What is my student’s ranking and GPA? And how do I know how it applies to college acceptance? Talk about GPA scales, (100 point) weighted/unweighted, ranking, how to raise/lower GPA (weighted courses, grades)
Dual Credit/AP Should my student take Dual Credit or AP classes? When should they start? Talk about when students can sign up for dual credit, AP courses, what colleges look for, the difference in dual credit and AP and in state vs out of state
Students do research – it’s time to narrow it down. Careers Students do research – it’s time to narrow it down. Resources of where to find careers, career cruising, colleges that offer degrees, Ben Barber and certifications
Career Planning Develop an interest list Figure out how to get there Try it out – job shadow, volunteer, interview someone in the field, go to career fairs . Exploring Careers Step-by-StepStep 1: Think about what interests you. Divide a page into four columns. Label the first two columns “Interests” and “Job Ideas.” In the first column, list your interests, such as children or sports. Then in the second column, list jobs that have something to do with each interest. Need help? Think about people you've read about or met who have interesting jobs, or use the career quizzes that are available in your counselor's office or online. Step 2: Consider how to get there. Label the third column “Requirements.” No, you don't have to plan your whole life right now, but it’s good to know what skills, classes and degrees different jobs require. You might discover that you don't like any of the courses needed to complete a college major that would prepare you for one of the jobs on your list. To get information about education requirements for different jobs, use Major and Career Search. Step 3: Try it out. Label the last column “Things I Can Do Now” and list ways of getting a feel for what one of the jobs on your list is really like. You can choose some of these ideas or come up with your own: Volunteer where you’re likely to meet someone who has one of the jobs you’re interested in. Look into a paid or unpaid internship. Accompany someone working in that field to see what a day on the job is like. Conduct research at the library or on the Web. Find a mentor who can give you perspective and advice. Talk to family members and friends who work in those careers or know others who do.
Endorsements What is an endorsement? Can the Endorsement Change? Review the
Social & Emotional Needs #1 Fear Among Teens-Failure Stress Levels Resiliency Social Media - How it impacts learning # 1 Fear – Failure Stress – BALANCE Resiliency – what is it Social Media- impacts learning, can cause conflict, parents need to be aware
Its All About Balance Course Work Free Time Volunteer Work Extra Curricular
Thanks! Any questions? #grittotheheartofit @misdcounseling