Assessment Piece – Design Ideas Success Criteria I can draw and annotate 1-2 basic/simple ideas The designs show some basic features of the product and are labelled Designs are rendered with basic skills I can draw and annotate 2-3 ideas and explain how they can be made and suggest what materials could be used. Designs show some of the product features and use some of the Access FM criteria. Designs are rendered neatly I can draw and annotate 3-4 ideas and explain how they can be made and what materials will be used to make them. The annotation will use all aspects of the Access Fm work sheet. use a variety of 3d drawing techniques Use a variety of rendering techniques I can draw and annotate a range (4-5) of detailed rendered illustrations which then can be developed into a final product. Each design will show joining methods, show materials and use a variety of 3d drawing / rendering techniques. The annotation will use all aspects of the Access Fm work sheet.
Top Tips Designs need to be neatly drawn in pencil Draw in 3D Neatly colour and render Design ideas need to be creative and original Annotate using ACCESS FM
Aesthetics Label the good/bad points about the aesthetics of the product; this could be the theme, colour, shape…
Cost Label the cost of the product; this could be the cost of the materials used…
Client Label how the product is suitable/not suitable for the client…
Environment Label how the product is or isn’t environmentally friendly and the location it is suitable for…
Size Label the dimensions (size) of the product.
Safety Label how the design is or isn’t safe…
Function Label the main function and any other functions that the product has…
Materials Label the materials that you propose your design would be made from…
Manufacture Label the manufacturing process including tools that could be used to make your design… Label the joints that you would use to join the wood/metal/plastic together on your design idea…
Assessment Ticket
Improving your work Have you designed a range of ideas? Are they original? Are they neat? Are they 3D? Are they coloured in? Are they fully labelled with all points of ACCESS FM?
Example – Creative Ideas