Graphics, Modeling, and Textures
Graphics Considerations Frame and back buffers Avoid artifacts (jitter and visible drawing) Swap or copy? Depth and stencil buffer Triangles Easily interpolate Planarity Vertices & coordinate space
Depth Bits From
Limiting What we Render View frustrum Near and far planes Clipping Cull when possible Render Volume Partitioning
Backface Culling
Quadtree partitioning Collision detection Outdoor visibility checking Algorithm (2D): X/Y : consider bits Left shift at each level in tree When at leaf, stop
Quadtree Visualized
Graphic Primitives
Mesh as Triangle Strip
Indexed Strips
Applying Textures
Modeling (cont)
Using Normal Maps and Textures
Normal Maps and LOD
Level of Detail Hardware limits number of polys rendered Use high-level models when possible Drop to low poly models (LOD) when needed
Level Editing Target fixed poly count (thought allow for flexibility and customization)
Low-Poly Count Modeling
Animation Models consists of multiple meshes Each mesh has it’s own local coordinates for the vertices in the mesh Meshes can be “connected” relative to each other via skeletons/bones (rigging) Render each mesh & position them correctly Animating a model involves transformations on a per-mesh basis
Final thoughts Major difference in modeling and using models Art & programming & level/character design are of primary consideration