Gene – Expression – Mutation - polymorphism
How are genes expressed ? DNA Transcription Pre-mRNA Cap Poly(A) Splicing Lariat intron mRNA Cap Poly(A) Degradation Nucleus mRNA transport Translation Cytoplasm Ribosome PROTEIN
MUTATION Mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of genome, caused by a replication error or by a mutagen. Mutagen a chemical or physical agent that can cause a mutation in a DNA molecule
The cause of mutations Spontaneous error in replication that evade proofreading function of the DNA polymerases that synthesize new polynucleotides mismatches
1. Error in replication
2. Effect of mutagen
Mutation : In-frame mutation maintain reading frame (codon is intact) Out of frame/frameshift mutation disrupt reading frame Point mutation Deletion Insertion Duplication
Point mutation common (single site mutation) : replace one nucleotide with another Divided into two catagories: Transitions : are purine-to purine or pyrimidine-to-pyrimidine changes : AG, GA, CT, or TC. Transversions : are purine-to-pyrimidine or pyrimidine-to-purine changes: AC, AT, GC, GT, CA, CG, TA or TG
Point mutation: Single nucleotide change - deletion - insertion - missense - nonsense (create a stop codon) - silent (no amino acid alteration)
Point mutation : Missense Missense Silent
Polymorphism: Different nucleotide sequence that occurs in the population as a whole Deletion Insertion Duplication Missense Silent Patient (+) Control (-) Control (+) Mutation Polymorphism Most polymorphism occurs in intronic sequence