Mrs. Wedge’s Newsletter Learning Goals: Math: We will begin Unit 4 in math. Unit 4 begins standard and non-standard measurement. We will use items like paperclips, pencils, and our own bodies to measure. Reading: We will begin our FOSS (Science) unit on plants in December. The students will get to read all about different types of plants, what the plants need to stay alive, and we will finish by planting some of the plants in out classroom. Writing: We will begin our second mode of writing in December. We will learn how to write an opinion piece. We will talk how to develop emotions and thoughts through writing. Science: Plants Birthdays Aura B Mileena Julian Luke Important Dates 12/6 – student early dismissal at 11:50. 12/15 – Holiday Celebrations 2:15 12/22 – Early Dismissal 12/25-1/1 Winter Break