Welcome to 2nd Grade Curriculum Night Welcome to 2nd Grade Curriculum Night! *Please take a moment to write your child a letter.
Our goal is to create a caring and safe environment for your child. We build a peaceful classroom setting through class meetings, role modeling, and cooperative learning activities
How can you help make sure your child has an AWESOME day at school? Make sure your child has had a good breakfast. Make sure they get a good night sleep (For kids 5-12 years old 10-11 hours of sleep is recommended) Make sure they leave their precious valuables at home so they don’t get lost or broken. Make sure your child has prepared the night before so that they are not overwhelmed in the morning. *Homework is done and put in their red folder. *Their snack is ready. *Important notes/lunch money are placed in their red folder.
We love to celebrate birthdays! You may send in a book or indoor/outdoor recess toy to donate to the classroom. We love to celebrate birthdays!
Homework You can expect homework most days. Some examples of homework can include: Math Homework Reading every night (recommend 10 minutes a night) Parents signature required
Mrs. Siver Mrs. Iaquinto Monday Sept. 8th Tuesday Sept. 9th Wednesday Thursday Sept. 11th Friday Sept. 12th Gym Library Art Music gym My child read ______minutes. Parent Signature
Field Trips Troy Historical Museum (Tuesday, April 24th) Macomb Performing Art Center (TBD) *volunteer form
Volunteers Wanted Opportunities include… Classroom Helper (Word Study Helper, Copying, Checking, etc.) Computer Parent
Snack Please send in a healthy snack per day. No desserts (cookies, chocolate, etc.) Please send water only We are excited to see the fruits and vegetables that are coming in!
Communication Red Folders need to come to school everyday. Homework needs to be in the red folder. Please call the office (248)823-4300 if assistance is needed immediately. Otherwise, call and leave a message on our class phone (248)823-4311 Weebly Website - for monthly updates and newsletters http://barnard2ndgrade.weebly.com/ Twitter - @niaquinto2 SeeSaw – information coming soon E-mail both teachers or write a note in the red folder (next to the date on the communication log). niaquinto@troy.k12.mi.us ksiver@troy.k12.mi.us
Reading Workshop New curriculum – Lucy Caulkins Mini – lesson READ TO SELF Students reading quietly in their book nooks Teacher working with small reading groups Daily 3 Closing
Word Study In class Students will be introduced to words that follow a pattern (sorts) and 5 new high frequency words Weekly Homework New high frequency words Weekly spelling tests on high frequency words will be on Monday
Writing Workshop Units of Study: Launching with Small Moments / Narrative Opinion Informational Writing Poetry
Science F.O.S.S. Science Kits Sound Balance and Motion Insects and Life Cycles Weather and Air
Math Expressions is… Focused – Fewer standards in each grade level with higher expectations in terms of depth of knowledge. Students have time to master mathematical concepts. Program Strengths:Provides support for students through hands-on activities, manipulatives, visual activities, and online opportunities for at home reinforcement Math Expressions Second Grade Units *Addition and Subtraction Within 20 *Addition Within 200 *Length and Shapes *Subtract 2-Digit Numbers *Time, Graphs, and Word Problems *3-Digit Addition and Subtraction *Arrays, Equal Shares, and Adding or Subtracting Lengths
Social Studies Communities Geography Troy Then & Now Economy
Sailor Of The Week Every child has an opportunity to shine as the sailor of the week Information will come home when it is your child’s turn.
Behavior Management Bingo Chart Table points
Reporting Information… 3 report cards a year *December, March, June Comments for each card marking Conferences are scheduled for: October 25 & 26th and March 22nd
Special Schedule Specials are everyday from 11:50 – 12:35 Monthly special calendar is in the back of your child’s red folder Computer Lab is every Wednesday. Some kids still need headphones. Lunch 12:45 – 1:25 Lunch starts at 12:45 Recess starts at 1:05
Extras Scholastic Book Orders Highlights Slippers
To and From School Your child’s safety is our primary concern. If pick-up routines change, please bring it to our attention in writing. If your child comes to school late, please go to the office with your child and get a tardy slip.
Any Questions?