Video Communications
Three Kinds of Stations Public Cable Commercial
Raising Money Public – Free Cable – Subscription Commercial – Paid Commercials
Price of Commercials The price of commercial time slots are determined by what? How many people are expected to be watching the television at the time of showing.
Four Kinds of Commercials Storyline – It tells a story
Testimonial – Someone usually famous testifies that a product works according to the claims of the company.
Demonstration – The product is demonstrated to the audience
Analogy – The viewer is to associate a product with a feeling Happiness
Types of Camera Angles Close – up : face or body shot
Medium – Shot : A shot that includes the entire subject with some of the background
Full Shot – A camera shot that shows one or more subjects completely.
Angle – shot : a camera shot taken from any position except straight on.
Cut – An immediate change from one scene to another.
On Camera – The person speaking is seen on camera
Pan – Movement on the camera from right to left or from left to right.
Tilt – Movement of the camera up or down
Voice Over – The person speaking is not seen on camera
Storyboard The storyboard contains three columns
Video – This column contains instructions for the camera man.
Visual – This column contains pictures showing what is being seen
Audio – This column contains what is going to be said or heard
The final goodbye