Employee Survey in the Foreign Service Survey Feedback
Agenda for the Survey Feedback Meeting Rules of conduct About the survey Theoretical model and survey topics Group discussion 1 What do the visualizations in the report mean? Results Result variables (dependent variables) Results from the employee survey (independent/causal variables) Agreement among respondents Group discussion: Follow up and measures Group discussion 2 Wrap up and evaluation The leader welcomes everybody, and goes through the agenda for the survey feedback meeting. It is recommended that the leader follows all steps – but a short version alternative is to skip the first group discussion. It is recommended to set aside 2.5 hours for the meeting (even though it usually last about 90+ minutes) Bring to the meeting: Handouts of the support document, as well as handouts of the results report. Even though the employees might have seen the results before, it is recommended to not hand them out before after the group discussion.
Rules of Conduct The meeting should be carried out with a positive and open mind Criticism should be directed towards roles and functions, not individuals Everybody has a responsibility to participate actively in the discussion The information that surfaces in the meeting should be contained within the section/unit Questions and comments are welcome during the meeting
A Global Model for the Work Environment A global model for the working environment The core factor of the working environment is the actual task that the employee carries out. For example, the employee needs to be trained for the task at hand. Furthermore, social factors (cooperation and support from colleagues) contributes to effectivity and health at the workspace. There might also be contextual factors, outside of the work unit, that affects the work productivity within the unit. In the current employee survey, topics within each of these three overarching categories has been measured.
Causal Model and Topics of the Survey The survey consist of 13 variables - 2 result variables and 11 causal variables. Green indexing indicates positive effects for the working environment, while red markings indicate negative effects. The statements are scored with a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from fully disagree to fully agree, or never to always. Causal variables (independent) Task related factors Social factors Contextual factors Information Workload Quality of Leadership Clarity of Organizational Goals Autonomy Support from Colleagues Cooperation between units Involvement Org. Citizenship Behavior Performance feedback Employee Development Result variables (dependent) Work Engagement Overload
Measuring Survey Topics (psychometrics) Example topic: ”Degree of self-determination” Respondents answer all questions on autonomy Mean of Autonomy Example measurement scale: Autonomy Item 1 “Management let people make their own decisions much of the time.” Item2 “Management trust people to take work-related decisions without getting permission first.” Item 3 “Management keep too tight a reign on the way things are done.” The mean of all the respondents answers is a numerical value ranging from 1 to 5. This degree of perceived autonomy in the unit. Autonomy Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Autonomy Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Autonomy Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Autonomy Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Autonomy Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 In the survey, we only use reliable and validated research based measuring scales. This means that it has been proven that the items we use to measure e.g. Autonomy actually measures autonomy, and nothing else. The individual items are neither reliable or valid, only the average is. That´s why we are only interested in the means – never the individual items (which are associated with statistical noise). Topic X Autonomy Topic Y
Group Discussion (15-20 minutes and summary with whole unit) Alternative 1 What has been important to you/us lately in our everyday work, with respect to e.g. tasks, organization, context and the working environment? 2 Where are you/we heading, with respect to the same questions? What will be significant for us in the time to come? How do we need to adjust for what is coming? Make them think in broad terms: What HAS had a great effect upon us lately, and what do we need to prepare for? The reason for doing this exercise is twofold: 1) You want the employees to start discussing and reflecting as soon as possible, and 2) you/the employees can address topics that are difficult, and take the edge off before you start looking at the results. If this summary/discussion drags out, and it is fruitful, keep it open as long as necessary!
Group Discussion (15-20 minutes and summary with whole unit) Alternative 2 What are the strengths connected to the way we work today? 2 What are the weaknesses connected to the way we work today? Make them think in broad terms: What HAS had a great effect upon us lately, and what do we need to prepare for? The reason for doing this exercise is twofold: 1) You want the employees to start discussing and reflecting as soon as possible, and 2) you/the employees can address topics that are difficult, and take the edge off before you start looking at the results. If this discussion drags out, and it is fruitful, keep it open as long as necessary!
Group Discussion (15-20 minutes and summary with whole unit) Alternative 3 Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats 1 What strengths do we have in our unit? 2 What weaknesses do we have in our unit? 3 What opportunities do we have in the near future? 4 What threats do we see in the near future? Make them think in broad terms: What HAS had a great effect upon us lately, and what do we need to prepare for? The reason for doing this exercise is twofold: 1) You want the employees to start discussing and reflecting as soon as possible, and 2) you/the employees can address topics that are difficult, and take the edge off before you start looking at the results. If this discussion drags out, and it is fruitful, keep it open as long as necessary!
Organization Level Results Result Variables Foreign Service (n=2209) [Insert your organization level result variables here] The scale is 1-5. The marked gray area is the research based recommendation. For further information, consult the support document. These are so-called result variables: They are the psychological outcome of working in the unit. We want the employees to be engaged and not burned out. If the results are outside of the recommendations, you need to pay close attention to the causal variables on the next page, because these are the factors that contribute causally to this psychological outcome.
Organization Level Results Causal Variables Foreign Service (n=2198) [Insert your organization level causal variables here] For explanation of the visualizations, see the support document. The scale shown here ranges from 2 to 4.5, while the actual scale in the survey is 1-5. The scale is zoomed in to accentuate differences that are clinically different. (differences that appear large, tend to FEEL large as well). Pick 3-5 scores that are positive, and 3-5 scores that are weaker that you think are particularly salient. Are there any salient patterns that emerge?
Organization Level Results Agreement Among Respondents Foreign Service (n=2198) [Insert your organization level agreement results here] Se support document for explanations of the visualization. Go through the scores. Is there a high climate strength or not? If not, what does that mean? Why do we not perceive our working environment similarly?
Organization Level Results Additional Questions on Employee Appraisals [Insert your organization level employee appraisal questions here] Go through the results quickly. Any salient features?
Unit Results Result Variables [Insert your result variables here] The scale is 1-5. The marked gray area is the research based recommendation. For further information, consult the support document. These are so-called result variables: They are the psychological outcomes of working in the unit. We want the employees to be engaged and not burned out. If the results are outside of the recommendations, you need to pay close attention to the causal variables on the next page, because these are the factors that contribute causally to this psychological outcome.
Unit Results Causal Variables [Insert your causal variables here] For explanation of the visualizations, see the support document. The scale shown here ranges from 2 to 4.5, while the actual scale in the survey is 1 to 5. The scale is zoomed in to accentuate differences that are clinically different. (differences that appear large, tend to FEEL large as well). Pick 3-5 scores that are positive, and 3-5 scores that are weaker that you think are particularly salient. Are there any salient patterns that emerge?
Unit Results Agreement Between Respondents [Insert your agreement results here] Se support document for explanations of the visualization Go through the scores. Is there a high climate strength or not? If not, what does that mean? Why do we not perceive our working environment similarly?
[Insert your employee appraisal questions here] Unit Results Additional Questions on Employee Appraisals [Insert your employee appraisal questions here] Go through the results quickly. Any salient features?
Individual reflection and Unit Discussion (10 min + unit discussion) Write down (individually): Two areas that you feel is important to maintain Two areas you feel should change
Individual Reflection and Unit Discussion (10 min + unit discussion) Summary 2 Two strengths we need to maintain: … Two weaknesses we need to improve:
Oppsummering av møte med leder Group discussion (15-20 minutes and summary with the whole unit) 1 What actual, concrete measures should we implement in order to improve/maintan the focus areas agreed upon? Note Maximally 1-2 larger measures, maximally 2-3 small, easy measures Action Why Responsible When should it be completed How to celebrate? Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5
Group Discussion (15-20 minutes and summary with the whole unit) What actual, concrete measures should we implement in order to improve/maintain the agreed upon focus areas? Note: Maximally 1-2 larger measures, maximally 2-3 small, easy measures Example of action plan: Action Reason Responsible Date Due How to Celebrate? Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5
Group Discussion (afterthought) 1 What is the good life in our unit? 2 What do WE need to do in order to achieve that in our unit? 3 What is MY contribution and what can I do in order to achieve that in our unit? Socrates 469 – 399 B.C.
Any Other Business and Evaluation IMPORTANT If there are topics that has not surfaced today (that are not suitable for group discussions), please contact the unit leader or central HR Evaluation of the survey feedback meeting What worked, and what should we do differently next time around?