Music Local life and Europe! Summer Lower KS2 Cycle A ENGLISH ICT Fables Myths and legends Persuasive writing Fantasy stories Performance poetry Discussion writing ICT Networks Coding – using Probots MATHS Sequencing Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction Fractions Measures Statistics 3D shape PE Net and wall games Orienteering Local life and Europe! RE Judaism and Christianity Music Singing and performing As Historians and Geographers we will: Investigate the local area of Bolton. Place events on a timeline. Research important people, places and inventions. Suggest reasons for particular events and ways of living. Use different sources of enquiry Name and locate countries of Europe Identify physical and human characteristic Summer Lower KS2 Cycle A As Artists and Designers we will Develop our painting techniques and skills. Look at and discuss the work of particular artists. Create designs inspired by nature and other artists. Textiles As Scientists we will: Understand the functions of different parts of a plant. Investigate what a healthy plant needs to grow. Learn about the life cycle of a plant. Plant seeds and observe their growth Identifying planets in the solar system The movement of Earth relative to the Sun.