Repeaters What is a repeater? Receiver, Transmitter, Controller, Duplexer, Power Supply and an Antenna
Overview of the Basics Types “makes and models.” Fundamentals. Controllers. Audio. Duplexers Coordination Brief description of IRLP, echo_link and other internet related linking systems
Coordination Nebraska Frequency Coordinator John Gebuhr WBØCMC 2340 N 64th St. Omaha, NE 68104 Mid-America Coordination Council
Requirements Rpt call Output Offset LAT/LON Contact Sponsors Access Auto-patch Emergency power Direct access to 911 Gen coverage ARES/RACES/CD RTTY Mailing address HAAT ERP
Fundamentals Antenna Power Supply TX RX CAT 300 DX Site Coordination KØASH 145.310
Types Makes and Models
Controllers Accepts incoming logic and applies and outgoing logic Logic = Audio, Voltage Can be as simple as a switching transistor The controllers of today come with timers, ider’s, and some form Of remote control via DTMF. This is true of most home-brew controllers also. You wont find many features in the aforementioned style controller BUT the new controllers like
Cat 1000
Features (300) User Speed Dials TS-440 HF Remote Base (10) Emergency Speed Dials FT-767GX HF Remote Base Reverse Auto patch RS-232 Interface Last Number Redial Hardware Inputs Auto patch Cover Tone DVR Controller Ready Auto patch Time Extender Programmable Prefix Codes Macro Strings TTL Computer Interface Phone Number Read Back Programmable Timers Memory Saves Two-Tone Paging Caller ID Suppression 300 baud on Board Modem User Function Switches Link Auto Disconnect Phone Number Lock-Out Area Code Discrimination Doug Hall RBI-1 Interface Link Preset Frequencies Features Include: Voice Synthesizer DTMF Regenerator Forty Voice Messages DTMF Pad Test Digital Voice Clock DTMF Audio Muting Grandfather Clock DTMF Paging Two CW Identifiers DTMF or Pulse Dialing Programmable Courtesy Tones DTMF Window (64) Control Functions DTMF Repeater Access (60) Position Scheduler DTMF Command Generator Full Feature Auto patch Link Serial Tuning
Cat 300 DX
NHRC (New Hampshire Repeater Controller)
Voter 4 in Nebraska KØRPT(2), KØLNE, KBØTDY,
Audio Pre-emphasized or emphasized Or discriminator VS speaker Brick low and high pass filtering Flat VS dynamic ranges Delay Forwarding the audio to the controller or voter
Hysteresis Audio from the RX to comparator where converted into a numeric value then forwarded to Hysteresis module for switching then onto The controller and out to transmitter.
Duplexers BpBr circuit One side pass the high frequency While notching the low Other side passing the low Frequency while notching the low WP 641 WP 639
Any power supply that will handle the load Astron RM 50 M, RM 35 M, RM 20 M Any power supply that will handle the load
Antennas Hustler G6, G7, HX6-14448 DB Products DB224E Diamond X510 and others Comet GP9 and others Any antenna will work, look out for those that have multiple couplings, Brass fittings with Caesar screws. These need to be soldered over After tuning as they will produce snap, crackle, pop in the signal as well as add potential de-cense.
Internet Gateways IRLP (Internet Repeater Linking Project) ECHOLINK ILINK WIRES (Wide coverage repeater enhancement system)
Taking Measurements
Bill Frost WØBX
Tower Company
Overlooking Lincoln
Waiting While Climbing
½ Way There
Still ½ Way There
Setting up Feed Line
Ready to Pull
Final Resting Spot
Heave Ho
Antenna up
KTØK Rain Dance