Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas
Reduce Abstraction There are lots of community colleges in the United States. Community colleges enroll a large number of students and play a vital role in American higher education. According to the Department of Education, there are more than 1,100 community colleges in the United States. They enroll some 12 million students each year, which is 44% of all U.S. undergraduates
Oral Citations Listeners don’t have access to your outline Citations as enhancing credibility Who, What, Where, When, Why Lucas, p. 161 (citation examples)
Examples Brief examples Extended examples Hypothetical examples
Brief Examples Also called “specific instances” Referred to in passing to illustrate a point Option to “pile them on.”
Extended Examples Narrative, illustration, anecdote Typically longer and written more vividly
Hypothetical Examples Describes an imaginary situation “Imagine this:” Seeks to connect audience members to topic at hand
Tips for Using Examples Clarify Your Ideas Reinforce Your Ideas Personalize Your Ideas Make Examples Vivid Focus on Examples During Rehearsal
Statistics Knowing relevant statistics demonstrates your familiarity with your topic. Justifying argument Understanding Statistics Are they representative? Are the measures used correctly? Are the sources reliable? Tips
Testimony Expert Peer Quoting vs. Paraphrasing Tips