New insights into the Houston air quality problem I. Introduction II. History of Houston air quality III. Ozone pollution impacts IV. Basics of ozone chemistry V. Results and lessons learned from TexAQS 2006 VI. Future Plans Outline
“Good” ozone and “Bad” ozone I. Introduction
II. History of Houston air quality Historical Improvements (1 hr Ozone > 120 ppbv) II. History of Houston air quality Source: TCEQ, CARB
II. History of Houston air quality Houston Ozone Trend II. History of Houston air quality 1
III. Air pollution impacts Air Pollution Facts - 2008 More than 31 percent of the U.S. population—92.5 million people—live in areas with unhealthful levels of ozone. Which places them at risk for decreased lung function, respiratory infection, lung inflammation and aggravation of respiratory illness. III. Air pollution impacts
III. Ozone pollution impacts Where is ozone a problem? III. Ozone pollution impacts
III. Ozone pollution impacts Where is ozone a problem? III. Ozone pollution impacts
Some basic reactions Organic-C + O2 → CO2 + H2O + heat H2O + CO2 → C6H12O6+ O2 Organic-C + O2 → CO2 + H2O + heat + NO + SO2 NO → HNO3 SO2 → H2SO4 → sulfate aerosol NO + Organic-C + sunlight → O3 IV. Chemistry
New Site Added for 2006 TexAQS II TexAQS-II Atmospheric Radical Measurement Project (TRAMP) UH Moody Tower 70 m a.g.l. 5 km SSE of downtown Houston V. Results from TexAQS 2006 1
What was the 2006 photochemical environment? V. Results from TexAQS 2006
What were the meteorological conditions? V. Results from TexAQS 2006
What were the “background” conditions? V. Results from TexAQS 2006
HCHO commonly 1-10 ppbv at Moody Tower V. Results from TexAQS 2006
HONO commonly > 500 pptv at Moody Tower V. Results from TexAQS 2006
Atmospheric Chemistry and Composition
Air Quality Modeling
Satellites and Air Quality Data
Satellites and Air Quality Data
Satellites and Air Quality Data
Satellites and Air Quality Data Alaskan and Canadian forest fires exacerbate ozone pollution over Houston, Texas, on 19 and 20 July 2004” Morris, G., S. Hersey, A.M. Thompson, O.R. Cooper, A. Stohl, P.R. Colarco, W.W. McMillan, J. Warner, B.J. Johnson, J.C. Witte, T.L. Kucsera, D.E. Larko, and S.J. Oltmans, J. Geophys. Res., 111(D24S03), doi:101029/2006JD007090 (2006).