OPEN DATA PLATFORM (African Information Highway) Mozambique’s Experience Presented at UNSD Conference on National Reporting Platforms New York, 22-24 Of January 2018
Outline Background Experience with the dissemination platforms Open data platform; Currant status of ODP Challenges
Background Mozambique has been using different type of internet resources to disseminate statistics and the most utilized was ESDEM (DemoInfo), financed by UNICEF. Besides ESDEM, other data platform, such as CountrySTAT, which disseminates, agriculture statistics, ANDA (National Data Archive) and NSO website, are as well used. From March 2017, the country adopted the African Information Highway (AIH), known as well as Open Data Platform. This presentation pretends to share how AIH was set up in Mozambique.
Experience with dissemination platform National Institute of Statistics has been using ESDEM platform (DemoInfo) to disseminate the MDGs and other indicators. Reports of MDGs status of compliance are as well published in a press release, and on websites of NSS Agencies.
Experience with dissemination platform (cont.)
Experience with dissemination platform (cont.)
Open Data Platform With support of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Mozambique adopted the Open Data Platform (ODP), known as well as an African Information Highway, which is a platform for the dissemination, sharing and comparing data at National, Regional and International level. The African Information Highway (AIH) project in Mozambique, began in March 2017. ODP include indicators and Metadata of MDGs, as well as SDGs indicators (from NSO and all NSS). These indicators include socio-demographic and economic statistics of Mozambique (from national level up to district).
Open Data Platform (cont.) A Platform allow a possibility of comparing data between different regions, provinces, districts, rural and urban within Mozambique, as well as comparison with other African countries. To update the ODP, NOS has been discussing with line ministries which produce official statistics, to provide them methodologies and assistance, that can permit them to produce good statistics which can be used to update and disseminate using ODP.
Currant Status Of ODP ODP is not updated for long time, since first capacity building occurred during its installation, because, in the time when ODP was installed the country was preparing 2017 census, so this activity difficulties' a monitory and update of Platform. For this year, NSO has plan of capacity building of all NSS members and other producers, to habilitate them in updating and disseminating statistics though ODP.
Challenges First and big limitation using electronic dissemination that the country face, is the difficulty of accessing quality internet. In Mozambique use Internet is still expensive, and not always is 100% available. Transform ODP as the main Platform of disseminating official statistics in the country. Owneship of the Plataform (to install a platform in Moz). Currantly the platform is hosted outside of Mozambique and dependent to AfBD. NSO would like to get the authonomy of using and maintaning the platform.