The Legislative Branch (Congress) The law making branch of our government Organized by the Great Compromise Describe in Article I
The Structure of Congress Bicameral: having two branches, chambers, or houses, as a legislative body. House of Representatives Senate
Article 1, Section 2 The House of Representatives 435 members (divided between the states based on their population) Determined by a census (count of the population) every 10 years 2 year terms – elected by popular vote To make sure that Representatives pay attention to the changing opinions of voters Requirements for Representatives 25 years old Citizens of the U.S. for 7 years
Artilce I, Section 3 The Senate 100 members (2 from each state) 6 year terms – elected by popular vote Provides Senators with some separation from changing voter opinion Requirements for Senators 30 years old Citizens of the U.S. for 9 years
Article 1, Section 7 How Congress Make Laws The first job of Congress is to make laws Step 1: a Bill (law) is proposed Step 2: the bill is debated in one house until approved or rejected by a majority of that house Step 3: the other house debates the bill until it is approved or rejected Step 4: if approved the Bill goes to the President to be signed If the President doesn’t like the bill he can Veto it Congress can override the veto (pass the bill anyway) with a 2/3 majority vote in both houses.
Article 1, Section 8 Powers of Congress Decides how to spend tax money Raise an army and navy Declare War Approve treaties Pay off debt Grant citizenship Establish the Federal Court system “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” – Elastic Clause (provided flexibility and has been used over time to expand the powers of Congress)