Little Gators’ Newsletter Mrs. Sharon’s Pre-K 863-494-9303 Little Gators’ Newsletter Week of Nov 27 – Dec. 1 Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week December 7, 2017 Booster Meeting @ DECC Café 5 pm. December 25, 2017 – January 3, 2018 Winter Break Monthly Theme Focus: Awesome Animals This Week’s Focus: Creepy, Crawly Insects Alphabet Knowledge: letter Ll Oral Language: shares a personal experience, responds appropriately, requests help, follows oral directions, engages in conversation, takes turns speaking, uses describing words. Math Concepts: Uses position words, Counts to 5, using 1:1 correspondence. Character Development: Attention: Children learn about life science through exploration of animals and animal life cycles. Standards 5.C.1-5 Monday: Check folders daily.. Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Have a great weekend. Vocabulary Words: Gnaw, meadow, mossy, creeping, flutter, fuzzy, bug, insect, stinger, stings, wings, market, groceries, fly, crawl, creep. Reminders Check out our New Facebook page “@desotoecc”