Geoscience Workforce Update AGU Heads and Chairs Meeting Christopher Keane 13 December 2015
Reporting Status Terminal Master’s Skills Report complete 2015 Exit Survey Report near completion 2016 DGD/Enrollment Survey underway 2016 Status of the Geoscience Workforce Report underway
State of GeoWorkforce Today ENTROPY
Student Dynamics, 2015 5% increase in B.S. level enrollments 2% increase in B.S. Degrees 5.6% increase in M.S. Degrees 9.2% decrease in Ph.D.s awarded 34% decrease in graduate enrollments
Internships by US Graduates, 2015
Quantitative Skills, 2015
RealEconomick “John Watson, Chevron chief executive, said on CNBC television that ‘our number one priority’ was to pay the dividend.” - Financial Times, 9 Dec 2015
Hiring Environments Energy Sector Engineering and Environmental Some as part of salary downward adjustments Engineering and Environmental Reports from most regions is very robust Driven by infrastructure rebuild
Non-hiring Environments Government Research Perhaps some regulatory hiring Academia Mining exploration and production Engineering and Environmental Some regions (US Southeast, etc) remain soft
Employability/Resilliance Work experience/business perspective Geo is squarely in the Professional Services Industry Salesmanship “Power-by-the-hour” Strong quantitative skills Problem solving employees (aka engineering tasks) are being lane-shifted Environmental is quantitative
Revising long-term deficit prediction? No. Most is organic growth of the country. Of projected growth of 72,000 geoscientists, 65,000 is from basic economic and workforce growth Still expected >100,000 retirements Horizon to reserve stress in O&G is 3 years Infrastructure rebuild will continue Exploration (Oil and Mining) look bleak Slightly downstream positions like to be robust Regulatory positions for government
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