Character Study Year One - Term 1, Day 16 Click here for the pacing calendar:
My name is Engagement Norms Block 1: Opening Activity: Name Song Use “If you’re happy and you know it” melody to sing: If your name is on the plate, pick it up. If your name is on the plate, pick it up. If your name is on the plate, then you’re really doing great! If your name is on the plate, pick it up. Activity: Name Song Engagement Norms Name Game My name is Teacher says the name of a student three times. Students repeat the name three times. Teacher asks students to stand up, and repeat “My name is______.” Teacher asks the rest of the students to say the name. Note: Select five different students per day to do this activity. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery Name Game CFU Tell your partner your name. My name is __________.
We will read the alphabet. Block 1: Opening Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read the alphabet. What will we read? We will read the _______. Teacher Note Concept Development Refer to posted alphabet. The alphabet is all the letters. Each letter has a name. Alphabet Song Checking for Understanding Tell me a letter in the alphabet. Repeat after me. “The alphabet is all the letters.” Tell your partner. Skill Development & Guided Practice Checking for Understanding Teacher says the name of the letter and alternates with students five times. This initial process may take time, but should progress as the term continues. Teacher says, “The name of the letter is ____.” Students repeat the name of the letter. Continue this process with all the letters of the alphabet. Select ten letters and review the letter sounds. Alternate between teacher and students five times. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery Then, teacher points to a letter already taught and asks, “What is the name of this letter?” Students reply with, “The name of the letter is ____.”
Block 1: Opening Daily Review Teacher Note You will need to type the date each day in the PowerPoint or write it on the board. Teacher Note Use "Frere Jacques“ melody to sing: Today is _______. Today is _______. All day long, all day long. Yesterday was ______. Tomorrow will be _______. Oh what fun! Oh what fun! Activity: Daily Message Chant Students, this is our daily message. It tells us the date. Please follow along as I read the sentence. “Today is ____________ (day of the week, day of the month, month of the year and year.)” For example: Wednesday, 22nd of July, 2015. Message What is today’s date? “Today is _______________.” Checking for Understanding
rain paid tail plain lay say tray day cake gate flame plane Long a Block 1: Opening Daily Review Click here to hear the sounds. Long a Long a Spelling – ai Long a Spelling – ay Long a Spelling – a_e rain paid tail plain lay say tray day cake gate flame plane Skill Development & Guided Practice Review the long a sound and spelling. This pattern of saying the letter name, sound and word should be repeated several times. Practise this pattern (name, sound and word) alternating between teacher and students five times Say the name of the letter. Teacher points to the letter. (Teacher then students. Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) Say the sound of the letter (insert the long a sound). (Teacher then students; Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) Say the name of the picture. Teacher points to the picture. (Teacher then students; Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) (Example: a, long a sound, ape) Review the long a spellings ai, ay and a_e. Explain to the students the long a spelling ai is usually found in the middle of a word and the spelling ay is found at the end. The spelling a_e is found in the beginning or middle of a word. Alternate between teacher and student five times saying the long a sound and reading the words. For example, read train by using smooth blending rrraaainnn. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
say like by her a him go High-Frequency Words Block 1: Opening Daily Review High-Frequency Words say like by her a him go Skill Development & Guided Practice Review the high-frequency words. Teacher first reads a High-Frequency Word. Students chorally read the High-Frequency Word. CFU options: 1. Teacher asks for non-volunteers to read the word he is pointing to aloud. 2. Teacher asks students to put their finger on the word ________. 3. Teacher asks students to read word #________. 4. Teacher asks students to whisper a word he is pointing to. 5. Teacher asks students to read the word she is pointing to in a squeaky voice. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
Say the name of the picture. Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Recognise rhyming words.) Learning Objective What will we recognise? We will recognise ________. What does recognise mean? Recognise means to ________. Declare the Objective We will recognise1 rhyming words. Activate/Provide Prior Knowledge Students, these two pictures have the same sound at the end. We call words that have the same ending sound rhyming words. Now, we will recognise rhyming words. Make the Connection Say the name of the picture. During this block, the focus of the activity is phonemic awareness. Students will not have access to the printed words, so the digraph sh does not need to be explained at this point. Teacher Note sheep jeep 1 look for Definitions
Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Recognise rhyming words.) Concept Development Do bee and tree rhyme? Bee and tree rhyme because _______. Why do bee and sheep not rhyme? Bee and sheep do not rhyme because ________. In your own words, what are rhyming words? Rhyming words have _________. Checking for Understanding Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Rhyming words bee see three Not rhyming words bee jeep
Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Review of Recognise rhyming words.) Skill Development & Guided Practice This series of words should be reread with each picture. For example, tree, three, sleep and then tree, three, knee. During this block, the focus of the activity is phonemic awareness. Students will not have access to the printed words, so the spelling of the word knee does not need to be explained at this point. Teacher Note Rhyming words have the same ending sound. 1 Listen to the rhyming words. (teacher says words) 2 Listen to the name of each picture. 3 Recognise the other rhyming word. Do the words rhyme? yes or no Recognise rhyming words. [tree, three] 3 How did I/you recognise the rhyming word? Checking for Understanding sleep knee [seen, green] queen bee
Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Review of Recognise rhyming words.) Skill Development & Guided Practice Rhyming words have the same ending sound. 1 Listen to the rhyming words. (teacher says words) 2 Listen to the name of each picture. 3 Recognise the other rhyming word. Do the words rhyme? yes or no Recognise rhyming words. 3 How did I/you recognise the rhyming word? Checking for Understanding [keep, sweep] heel jeep
Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes used number 1960 Brain Break Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note 1920-1980 1980-2040 2040-2100 2100-2160 1800-1860 1860-1920 Wheel of FUN Activity 1 Sing ABC Song (Teacher sings along with students. Refer to alphabet song.) Activity 2 Teacher Says (This activity is the same as Simon Says except use teacher.) Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Lead students in singing song.) Activity 5 Play the Hokey Pokey (Lead students in singing and dancing to the song.) Activity 6 Sing a nursery rhyme (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; If You’re Happy and You Know It)
We will read long e words. Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation/Spelling (Read long e words.) Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read long e words. What will we read? We will read _______. Refer to the Long Vowels poster. Teacher Note Activate/Provide Prior Knowledge Say the name of the picture. Click here to hear the sounds. Students, all words are made from different letters and sounds. The letter e can make two different sounds. One sound is the long e sound, like in the word bee. Now, we will read long e words. Make the Connection
equal elbow Long e says its letter name. Long e Not long e Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation/Spelling (Read long e words.) Concept Development 1 Long E Long E, long E, yes that’s me! I can be a bee I can read under a tree. As long E, I can look at the sea and feel free. Long E, Long E, yes that’s me! Activity: Letter Chant Long e says its letter name. What is the name of this letter? The name of this letter is _____. What sound does the long e make? The long e makes the ______. Is the long e in this word? Checking for Understanding Long e Not long e equal Skill Development & Guided Practice 1 elbow This pattern of saying the letter name, sound and word should be repeated several times. Practise this pattern (name, sound and word) alternating between teacher and students five times. For this activity, students are recognising the long e sound at the beginning of a word. Say the name of the letter. Teacher points to the letter. (Teacher then students. Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) Say the sound of the letter. (Teacher then students; Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) Say the name of the picture. Teacher points to the picture. (Teacher then students; Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) (Example: e, long e sound, eagle) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
web bee Long e says its letter name. Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation/Spelling (Read long e words.) Concept Development 2 Explain to the students that the spelling of long e with ee is usually in the middle or end of a word (three, jeep). Positional Frequency Long e says its letter name. The long e can have different spellings. Click here to hear the sounds. What is the name of this letter? The name of this letter is _____. What sound does the long e make? The long e makes the ______. Is the long e in this word? Checking for Understanding Long e - Spelling ee Not long e web bee
Does the word have a long e spelling? Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation/Spelling (Read long e words.) Skill Development & Guided Practice Does the word have a long e spelling? Remind the students that th make one sound. Look at the word. Does it have a long e spelling? (Remind students that the long e spelling with ee is usually in the middle or end of the word. Teacher then students; Pair-Share, call on non-volunteers, and use yes/no whiteboards.) Say the long e sound. (Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Read the word. (Teacher uses smooth blending to read the word such as thrrreee, teeennn, sssllleeep, ssseee. Remind students that the ee says the long e sound. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the word and sound several times by onset and rime or segmenting. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
Does the word have a long e spelling? Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation/Spelling (Read long e words.) Skill Development & Guided Practice Does the word have a long e spelling? Remind the students that sh and wh make one sound. Look at the word. Does it have a long e spelling? (Remind students that the long e spelling with ee is usually in the middle or end of the word. Teacher then students; Pair-Share, call on non-volunteers, and use yes/no whiteboards.) Say the long e sound. (Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Read the word. (Teacher uses smooth blending to read the word such as sheeet, fffeee, hhheeennn, wheeelll. Remind students that the ee says the long e sound. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the word and sound several times by onset and rime or segmenting. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
2 Write the word on your own. Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation/Spelling (Write long e words.) Learning Objective What will we write? We will write _______. Declare the Objective Skill Development & Guided Practice Write words. 1 Trace1 the word. 2 Write the word on your own. 1 How did I/you trace the word? 2 How did I/you write the word? Checking for Understanding Handwriting Workbook p. 16 The dark purple dot indicates where to start. A verbal path for the letter is available in the appendix of the Handwriting Workbook. Teacher Note 1 draw over Definitions
We will spell long e words. Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation/ Spelling (Spell long e words.) Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will spell long e words. What will we spell? We will spell _______. Spelling Workbook pp. 19-20 Refer to the spelling workbook for daily activity. Teacher Note
Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes used number 1910 Brain Break Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note 1920-1980 1980-2040 2040-2100 2100-2160 1800-1860 1860-1920 Wheel of FUN Activity 1 Sing ABC Song (Teacher sings along with students. Refer to alphabet song.) Activity 2 Teacher Says (This activity is the same as Simon Says except use teacher.) Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Lead students in singing song.) Activity 5 Play the Hokey Pokey (Lead students in singing and dancing to the song.) Activity 6 Sing a nursery rhyme (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; If You’re Happy and You Know It)
how How are you? How do bees make honey? Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read high-frequency words. What will we read? We will read _______. Concept Development Why is how a high-frequency word? How is a high-frequency word because____. What is a high-frequency word? A high-frequency word is _________. Checking for Understanding A high-frequency word is used more than other words. High-Frequency Word Sentences how How are you? How do bees make honey? Teacher reads the high-frequency word five times and uses the sentence as an example to show how often the word is used. Please feel free to orally add more sentences, such as How old are you?, to emphasise the meaning of a high-frequency word. Teacher Note
How is your day? How do your feet feel? Say hello to him. how say him Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development (Review) Guided Practice Read each high-frequency word three times. Checking for Understanding Teacher points to a word and says: Read this word ____. Point to a sentence and say: Read this sentence. how say him Read the sentences. How is your day? How do your feet feel? Say hello to him.
Illustration and Verb Lessons Vocabulary: Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Define any difficult words from the story or lesson that will be read today. Teacher reads the word first, and then students read the word. Teacher provides or reads the definition of the word, while students track with their fingers. Then, students read the definition with the teacher. Consider providing gestures for students, if appropriate. Teacher Note Illustration and Verb Lessons Vocabulary: Describe means to tell about. Nervous means worried about something.
Teacher Guided: Phonics activity Block 5: Performance & Rotational Activities Rotational Activity 1 Teacher Guided: Phonics activity Rotational Activity 2 Teacher Guided: Read and write long e words Rotational Activity 3 Colour write high-frequency words Rotational Activity 4 Teacher Guided: Write and draw about a character Click the to go directly to the activity. Teacher gives directions for each rotational activity. Teacher Note Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Teacher/assistant says the word. Then, students match the pictures with the same rhyme by drawing a line. When finished, students can practise writing their names on the back side of this slide. Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Fold the paper into a book. Directions: Teacher/assistant and student will track and read the long e sentences. Then, students will trace the long e words. Materials: Print out this slide and give each student red, blue, green and purple crayons. Directions: Read the high-frequency word and then write the word four times using the colours red, blue, green and purple. Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil and crayons to each student. Select one or two characters from last week’s reading. Directions: Ask the students to write one or more sentences describing a character we read about last week. Please have them start with the sentence frame “(insert character name) is __.” Then, have the students draw the character. If they are able to write additional sentences about the character, please allow it. The student may also dictate to the teacher or assistant what else they would like to say. Prior to the activity, create an example for the students.
Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes used number 2020 Brain Break Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note 1920-1980 1980-2040 2040-2100 2100-2160 1800-1860 1860-1920 Wheel of FUN Activity 1 Sing ABC Song (Teacher sings along with students. Refer to alphabet song.) Activity 2 Teacher Says (This activity is the same as Simon Says except use teacher.) Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Lead students in singing song.) Activity 5 Play the Hokey Pokey (Lead students in singing and dancing to the song.) Activity 6 Sing a nursery rhyme (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; If You’re Happy and You Know It)
We will describe characters. Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Describe characters.) Learning Objective What will we describe? We will describe________ Declare the Objective We will describe characters. Concept Development Does the sentence “Lucy played on the slide,” show that Lucy is honest? yes/no How do you know? Does the sentence “Lucy returned a lunch to the teacher,” show that Lucy is honest? yes/no How do you know? What does it mean to describe a character? To describe a character means to ___________. Checking for Understanding To describe characters is to tell what they are like. What characters do in a story tells what they are like: helpful, friendly, honest, etc. Describe a Character Playground 1. Lucy found money on the school playground. 2. She didn’t know who owned the money. 3. She took the money to her teacher. 21 words Describe Lucy:
Read the passage and answer the questions below. Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Describe characters.) Skill Development & Guided Practice 1 How did I/you know what we were trying to find? 2 What did I/you know about this idea? 3 How did I/you know what words or information was given? 4 How did I/you know if the answer made sense? 5 How did I/you determine if the question has been answered? Checking for Understanding 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What words or information am I given? 4 Does my answer make sense? 5 Did I answer the original question? Solving ELA Problems Read the passage and answer the questions below. First Day 1. It was Mary’s first day at a new school. 2. She was nervous1. 3. Kayla asked Mary to sit next to her on the bus. 4. Kayla showed Mary around school. 5. The girls had milk with lunch. 6. Mary had a great first day. 40 words Kayla is friendly. What details in the text tell you Kayla is friendly? Hint: Think about what the character does. Kayla is friendly because_______________________________ Answers should be supported by the passage. 1 worried about something Definitions
Read the passage and answer the questions below. Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Describe characters.) Skill Development & Guided Practice 1 How did I/you know what we were trying to find? 2 What did I/you know about this idea? 3 How did I/you know what words or information was given? 4 How did I/you know if the answer made sense? 5 How did I/you determine if the question has been answered? Checking for Understanding 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What words or information am I given? 4 Does my answer make sense? 5 Did I answer the original question? Solving ELA Problems Read the passage and answer the questions below. Pip 1. My dog Pip is little and brown. 2. Pip listens very well. 3. He comes when we call him. 4. He never barks at visitors. 5. We taught Pip to not chase cats. 40 words Pip is good. What details in the text tell you Pip is good? Hint: Think about what the character does. Pip is good because_____________________________ Answers should be supported by the passage.
Beauty learned to like the Beast. Snow White helped the seven dwarfs. Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Describe characters.) Relevance To describe characters is to tell what they are like. What characters do in a story tells what they are like: helpful, friendly, honest, etc. 1 Describing characters in a story will help you retell stories. Beauty learned to like the Beast. Snow White helped the seven dwarfs. Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to describe characters?(Pair-Share) Why is it relevant to describe characters? You may give one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? Checking for Understanding
Lucas Lucas is: A mean B quiet C helpful Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Describe characters.) Skill Closure To describe characters is to tell what they are like. What characters do in a story tells what they are like: helpful, friendly, honest, etc. Remember the Concept 1 Read the story. 2 Identify what the character does 3 Describe the character. (write A, B, or C on whiteboards) Describe characters. Lucas 1. Lucas helps his dad mow the lawn. 2. He uses a red rake, while his dad cuts the grass. 3. Lucas helps his dad wash the car. 25 words Lucas is: A mean B quiet C helpful Extended Thinking Why is Lucas not described as mean? Lucas is not described as mean because ____________________________. he is helping his dad do things Summary Closure What did you learn today about describing characters? (Pair-Share)
Reading Comprehension Strategies ACELY 1660, ACELY1659 Block 6: CAP/Reading Comprehension Teacher Instructions: This slide appears throughout the week. Select one or two stories. We have provided a suggested list below, but feel free to select a different book. Prior to each story, review CAP, define unknown words and make predictions. After reading the story, have students respond orally to the questions provided or refer to the “Respond to Text” poster for Term 1. Reading Comprehension Strategies ACELY 1660, ACELY1659 Suggested Story Choices Respond to Text Poster ACELT 1583 Review CAP Discuss the front cover, back cover, author and title of the book before reading. Define difficult or unknown vocabulary words Picture Walk Discuss the pictures in the book. Guide the students in a discussion of what could be going on based on the pictures. Have students make a prediction. Examine the cover illustration and read the title of the book. Using the title and illustration, ask students, “Can you predict what this book is about?” Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (1972/1987) by J Viorst Angus & Robertson, NSW When Henry Caught Imaginitis (2007) by N Bland, Scholastic Too Loud Lily (2002) by S Laguna, Scholastic, Sydney Aladdin (2007) by Elisa Squillace, Child’s Play International Ltd. Bad Buster (2003) by Sofie Laguna, Puffin Australia Extra list of books: Who is the character? Where does the story take place? Name one thing that happened. What did you like about the story? What did you dislike about the story?
Tell me something about the long e. Block 7: Closing Provide sentence frames, if appropriate. (Example, I remember in the story _____.) Teacher Note Tell me something about the long e. Retell something that happened in the story we read. Use the high-frequency word how in a sentence.