Today’s Agenda Mystery Race WWII Video Quiz Exit Survey Bell Ringer – 25 May 2012 This is your last chance to beat the other classes! We will have a short ‘race’ as our bell ringer, but today you get to plan what needs to be done first. Talk if you need to. However, I won’t tell you what the task is. I’ll just give you a hint: you will need to be prepared for class.
GO! a The timer stops when you have completed all 6 steps: Take out a blank sheet of paper Head it with your first and last name, today’s date, and the period you have world history. a Title the paper “Exit Survey”. Pick up an Edusoft sheet from the front table. Take everything off your desk except for the Exit Survey paper and Edusoft sheet. Sit quietly.
Times by period 5:51.7 1:59.8 3:45.7 1:36.9 5:05.3 1:22.3 2:32.1 CLASS 15 May ‘12 Today 8th Grade June 2017 1st period 5:51.7 1:59.8 2nd period 3:45.7 1:36.9 4th period 5:05.3 1:22.3 5th period 2:32.1 1:23.3 6th period 4:06.3 2:22.0
When I hit the space bar, the video will go over the answers. Before we see the answers, turn your quiz into the bin at the front of the room.
Get into groups or work alone. A series of questions will appear on the screen. Discuss them in your groups and write answers on your own “Exit Survey” papers. Each question will be on the screen for three minutes. Please talk for two minutes and write for a minute. Please be as honest as possible. You are not graded on this assignment. The purpose of this assignment is so that I can be a better teacher next year. Someone press spacebar to continue.
If a 6th grader you knew told you they had me as a teacher next year, what would you tell them?
What is something your teacher did right all year What is something your teacher did right all year? What is something your teacher did wrong every time?
What is something you learned this year that will help you in 8th grade?
What is something you learned this year that will help you graduate from high school in June 2017?
Is there anything else you’d like to tell me before we finish the year?