Title of Safety Topic (Delete this, but feel free to change the banner color) Learning Experience Report Include Relevant Info. and Definit. Summarize the situation and highlight the key risks involved in the situation being reported. Summarize the contributing factors that led to the situation observed in the picture to the right. Describe potential consequences (near-miss) or actual events (incident). Highlight how the situation was resolved and what was done correctly. Include information and definitions that help a general audience understand key concepts relevant to the safety topic. Additional information should be included here as needed. (delete this text) Include a picture of the situation or incident so those not immediately familiar with it can better understand the learning experience. Caption of the picture of the near-miss or incident that shows the situation/issue being described in the LER Safety Principles and Conclusions Overview of Risks Summarize the key safety principles that are highlighted by the learning experience described above. Provide information that helps the audience think about how to avoid this type of situation in the future. Describe related situations that may arise so audience can appreciate the safety issue and think about how they might apply the learning experience in a broader, more general context. (Delete this text) Inclusion of a graphic or description of the safety principles is encouraged. This should show the origin of the risks or how they can be mitigated. These graphics can often be obtained on-line with appropriate citation. Risk 1 Risk 2 Include web address or citation where graphic showing principle was obtained