Title VI Information for THSO Grantees Title VI Compliance
Purpose of Training To ensure all grantees and contractors are aware of the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the minimum requirements to be in compliance with its rules, laws, and regulations. Title VI regulations require agencies to provide civil rights training for staff and assign sufficient personnel to ensure effective enforcement. Periodic training should be disigned to develop awareness and sensitivity in carrying out federally funded programs.
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop What Do You Need to Know About Title VI? 1 2 3 4 5 6 What is Title VI? How does it relate to the THSO Grantees? What are YOUR responsibilities as a THSO Grantee? What a THSO Grantee can expect? Questions? Where can YOU find resources? 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop Title VI Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin. Specifically, 42, USC 200d states that; “No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Financial assistance.” 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop Your organization receives federal financial assistance in the form of a grant to implement a program or activity, which obligates your organization to Title VI responsibilities… 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop To Comply with Title VI Appoint a Title VI Coordinator Obtain Title VI Training Provide Title VI Employee Training for staff Ensure contractors receive Title VI Training 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop To Comply with Title VI Post signage at entrance and high traffic areas (provided) Complete the Title VI Assessment Form Complete the assurance form Provide proof of a reporting system 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop What can YOU expect? THSO Staff are required to monitor grantees for Title VI Compliance. 1 Onsite Monitoring Visits 2 Desk Monitoring The program manager provides grantees with the Title VI Assessment, electronically. It is the responsibility of the grantee to complete and print the assessment in advance of the program manager’s site visit or desk monitoring session. 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop
Non-Compliance Failure or refusal to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights of 1964, other applicable Civil Rights Laws, and implementing departmental regulations
Sanctions for Non-Compliance Withholding of payments to the recipient under the contract until the recipient complies, and/or Cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop TDOSHS Title VI Contact Information If you have questions or need additional information regarding Title VI compliance, please contact: Sandra Curll – Title VI Coordinator Sandra.curll@tn.gov (615) 532-7808 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop
2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop Questions? 2016 THSO Grant Orientation Workshop