Digital Government Initiative Initiation Department of Information Technology Estevan Lujan, Acting Cabinet Secretary Susan Pentecost, Managing Director, Office of the CIO September 26, 2018
Project Overview Agency Mission Business Need Project Purpose DoIT provides IT leadership for the State, performs oversight for IT projects and procurements, and delivers enterprise IT services to the State’s executive agencies Business Need NM citizens – including public sector agencies and business community – expect to have accurate, well-presented information available 24x7x365 and to be able to conduct transactions and interact with State government on-line DoIT periodically tasked to implement technology-based mandates, and needs consistent digital government framework to enable timely, cost-effective response DoIT requires timely, high-quality data and analytics to inform customers and to support internal decision making and planning Project Purpose Plan and implement a comprehensive, scalable, and extensible foundation solution to address current and future digital government, business intelligence and analytics requirements.
Project Objectives Objectives Enable greater and more timely state government transparency and accountability; More effectively leverage digital capabilities to deliver services and data; Deliver timely, accurate integrated data to support fact-based analysis, planning and decision making regarding DoIT services Implement secure digital government framework – technology, processes, data governance – to cost-effectively enable enterprise digital government initiatives to better serve government, business and individual citizens
PRODUCTS and DELIVERABLES Approach PHASE WORK TO BE PERFORMED PRODUCTS and DELIVERABLES PHASE I Initiation and planning Charter Project Management Plan Concept of Operations Risk Assessment Requirements PHASE II Planning (design) and implementation for baseline digital government solution architecture; redevelop and migrate initial set of applications to framework; retire standalone solutions Fully tested, production-ready digital government baseline architecture and updated applications PHASE III Planning (design) and implementation for initial business intelligence (BI)/analytics capability; redevelop and migrate existing dashboards to framework; retire standalone solutions Fully tested, production-ready digital government architecture with BI/analytics components, and updated dashboards PHASE IV Planning (design) and implementation of additional data feeds, analytics, public-facing or internal services, in accordance with digital government roadmap Additional fully tested, production-ready framework architecture elements and/or functionality
Approach (cont’d) Initial focus within DoIT, but extending to State enterprise and to external communities Iterative design and implementation within context of overall framework and roadmap Use pilots and prototypes to support incremental design and delivery Customer/end user involvement Contractor support coupled with in-house involvement Project management Concept of operations, requirements, design, implementation Solution maintenance and operations Currently funded for Phases I and II
Funding and Certification Requested $2.3 million for Phases I-IV; $1 million appropriated Requesting initiation certification and approval to spend $130,000 Concept of operations Project management support (initiation phase) FUNDING FISCAL YEAR FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT 2018 Laws of 2018, Chapter 73, Section 7 (10) $1,000,000 TOTAL
Digital Government Initiative DoIT requests initiation certification for the Digital Government Initiative