Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Papaleo (Shartzer) Academic and Research Biology
Mrs. Papaleo Info E-Mail : Brittany.Shartzer@LCPS.org (maiden name) School Webpage: Riverside Homepage -> Faculty -> Shartzer Mrs. Papaleo’s Research Biology Sign-up: rmd.at/1504rvhs Or Text @1504rvhs to 81010 Mrs. Papaleo’s Academic Biology Sign-up: rmd.at/1504bio Or Text @1504bio to 81010
Class Supplies 3-ring binder (2 inch+) A pack of dividers (5 ideal) What Your Child Needs for Academic and Research Biology: If You Feel Generous Throughout the Year: 3-ring binder (2 inch+) A pack of dividers (5 ideal) Loose Leaf Paper Graph Ruled Spiral Notebook #2 Pencils and Pens (colored pencils recommended as well) An Open Mind, Sense of Humor and positive attitude (I have an example notebook available) Gallon/Quart Ziploc Bags Tissues/ paper towels Vinegar Baking Soda Hydrogen Peroxide Plastic Spoons Rubbing Alcohol Colored Pencils or Markers Clear Desk Tape Sharpies Highlighters 48oz plastic applesauce or spaghetti sauce jars
Let’s Talk Technology Respect for The Classroom, Peers and Myself Relies on a successful balance Does not need to be a source of stress Together we can make it a useful resource
5th and 6th Block Grading Available printed for the students in their course guidelines, also available on my website and the Science Department’s website Formative (homework) 10% Summative 90% Tests (45%) Quizzes (15%) Labs and Activities (30%)
1st, 3rd and 7th Block Grading Available printed for the students in their course guidelines, also available on my website and the Science Department’s website Formative (homework) 10% Summative 90% Tests and Quizzes (45%) Research Based Assignments (25%) Labs/Activities (20%)
Classroom Expectations Respect – treat others as you would appreciate being treated. Speak positively and be courteous of other’s time and belongings. Cell phones should be utilized appropriately and everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Advocate – take responsibility for your work and ask for any assistance. Late work, missed assignments or just general assistance with difficult material is always available if you just ask. Stand up for what will make Riverside a great place to spend everyday. Motivate – I will be here to motivate you every step of the way, and you must help yourself and your peers by staying positive and do not give up when topics are challenging. Work in groups and appreciate everyone for their differences. If you are motivated you will show up everyday and on time. Serve – Science is a wonderful industry that benefits the entire world. Please aim to take something away from this course that will stay with you as you become an adult.
Further Questions? Let’s talk! We don’t have to wait for something “bad” to talk about – if that were the case most of us never would. Instead let’s talk before there are any issues and set up a great line of communication that will keep your child successful all year long Remind 101 ∙ E-mail ∙ Call the Office and Ask for Me