RTL Response to Literature Notes
Writing 1. Thesis: This is what your entire paragraph, essay, report is all about. Thesis: A sentence that contains the following: a Subject + Opinion. 2. TLQ: Transition leads into the quotation 3. Concrete Detail (CD): facts, specifics, examples, descriptions, illustrations, support, proof, evidence, quotations, paraphrasing, plot references 4. Commentary (CM): opinion, insight, analysis, inference, feelings, evaluation, reflection, interpretation, explanation, personal response (How does my evidence support my thesis? Start with the phrase “This shows that…) 5. Conclusion: Restates the thesis/provides sense of “wrap it up”
Rules for Writing Follow these rules to improve your grade and your writing abilities: 1. Always use pen/type. I will not grade it if it is in pencil. 2. Never use a contraction. Incorrect: I’ll never forget my trip to Disneyland. Correct: I will never forget my trip to Disneyland. Use the word quotation. Never use the word quote. In this quotation, Darth Vader says, “I am your father” (Star Wars).
Rules for Writing Continued… 3. NEVER use the following: I, me, you, we, us. Incorrect: I think you will like the story. Correct: Many readers will enjoy the story. 4. When you write about a story/movie/film etc. you must always keep it in the present tense. Incorrect: Tom Beneke worked at a grocery story. Correct: Tom Beneke works at a grocery story. 5. Never end with “In Conclusion…” “Finally…” 6. Never start with a question