GSC-17 Closing Plenary Summary Report Document No: GSC17-CL-37 Source: GSC-17 Chair, GSC-17 Rapporteur Contact: KyuJin Wee, GSC Session: Closing Plenary Agenda Item: 6.1 GSC-17 Closing Plenary Summary Report KyuJin Wee, Chair Cloe HeeSung Lim, Rapporteur
GSC-17 Schedule
GSC-17 Attendance (1) Total of 85 people attended GSC-17 including Members, Observers and Sponsors: GSC-17 GSC-16 GSC-15 Jeju Halifax Beijing May. 2013 Nov. 2011 Sep. 2010 Total Attendees 85 105 110 Opening Plenary 97 106 GRSC 41 45 GTSC 34 40 52 Admin WG 25 13 14 IPR WG 24 20 Closing Plenary 83
GSC-17 Attendance (2) Members (75 Delegates) : ARIB : 7 ATIS : 7 CCSA : 6 ETSI : 8 ISACC : 3 ITU : 2 TIA : 10 TTA : 20 TTC : 9 Task Force Chairs (5, included above) Observers (13 representatives, one of which was also on a PSO delegation)
GSC-17 Attendance (3)
Meeting Documents
Quantity of Contributions Opening Plenary ADMIN WG IPR WG GRSC-10 GTSC-10 Closing Plenary Output Resolutions 84 4 12 16 6 36 28
Meeting Reports (1) GSC-17 Opening Plenary (GSC17-CL-02) This report was presented and approved at the GSC-17 Closing Plenary GRSC-10(GSC17-CL-03) GTSC-10(GSC17-CL-04) ADMIN WG(GSC17-CL-05r1) IPR WG(GSC17-CL-06) This report was presented and approved at the GSC-17 Closing Plenary
Meeting Reports (2) HoD meeting GSC HoD Adhoc was created for the restructuring of GSC ToR agreed as contained in the ADMIN WG report (GSC17-CL-05r1) Chair (Jim MacFie, ISACC), Vice Chair (Steve Barclay, ATIS) were approved Target date for making recommendation was agreed as 1st January 2014
Output Resolutions (1) Resolution Number Source Title Status GSC-17/01 Plenary Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization Revised GSC-17/02 Emergency Communications Reaffirmed GSC-17/03 Network Aspects of Identification Systems GSC-17/04 Identity Management and Identification Systems GSC-17/06 IPTV Standards GSC-17/08 ICT and the Environment GSC-17/10 GTSC Future Networks including enhancements of Next Generation Networks (NGN) GSC-17/11 Cybersecurity GSC-17/12 Home Networking GSC-17/13 GRSC Global UWB Standardization including UWB radar and Sensor/Imaging Applications
Output Resolutions (2) Resolution Number Source Title Status GSC-17/14 Plenary Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) task Force Revised GSC-17/15 GRSC Reconfigurable Radio Systems GSC-17/17 Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Reaffirmed GSC-17/19 Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration GSC-17/20 Radio Microphones and Cordless Audio Standardization GSC-17/21 Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking GSC-17/22 IPR WG Intellectual Property Rights Policies GSC-17/23 Cooperation with Patent Trademark Offices GSC-17/24 Open Standards
Output Resolutions (3) Resolution Number Source Title Status GSC-17/25 Plenary Personally Identifiable Information Protection Reaffirmed GSC-17/27 User Needs, Considerations and Involvement Withdrawn ICT Accessibility GSC-17/28 Interoperability GSC-17/29 Smart Grid Revised GSC-17/30 Machine to Machine GSC-17/31 Service Oriented Networks GSC-17/32 Cloud Computing GSC-17/33 GRSC Radio Aspects of Electronic Article Surveillance GSC-17/34 Wireless Charging System (WCS)
GSC-17 Communiqué Communiqué published in GSC17-CL-36r1 13
GSC-17 and Beyond Sequence of hosts and locations for future GSC meetings GSC-18, hosted by ETSI, 21st July 2014, Sophia Antipolis GSC-19, hosted by ITU GSC-20, hosted by ATIS/TIA GSC-21, hosted by CCSA GSC-22. hosted by ARIB/TTC