Table. Yellow fever, surveillance systems overview, 2014 Surveillance Data reported by Case definition used characteristics Country Data source L P H O Austria AT-Epidemiegesetz Cp Co C Y EU-2008 Belgium BE-REFLAB V A N Not specified/unknown Bulgaria BG-NATIONAL_SURVEILLANCE Croatia HR-CNIPH EU-2012 Cyprus CY-NOTIFIED_DISEASES Czech Republic CZ-EPIDAT Denmark DK-MIS Other Estonia EE-NAKIS Finland FI-NIDR France FR-MANDATORY_INFECTIOUS_DISEASES Germany DE-SURVNET@RKI-7.1 Greece EL-NOTIFIABLE_DISEASES Hungary HU-EFRIR Ireland IE-CIDR Italy IT-NRS Latvia LV-BSN Lithuania LT-COMMUNICABLE_DISEASES Luxembourg LU-SYSTEM1 EU-2002 Malta MT-DISEASE_SURVEILLANCE Netherlands NL-OSIRIS Norway NO-MSIS_A Poland PL-NATIONAL_SURVEILLANCE Portugal PT-YELLOW_FEVER Romania RO-RNSSy Slovakia SK-EPIS Slovenia SI-SURVIVAL Spain ES-STATUTORY_DISEASES Sweden SE-SMINET United Kingdom UK-YELLOW_FEVER Surveillance characteristics: comprehensive (Co), compulsory (Cp), voluntary (V), other (O), active (A), passive (P), case-based (C), aggregated (A) Data reported by: laboratories (L), physicians (P), hospitals (H), other (O) Suggested citation: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Annual epidemiological report 2016. Yellow fever. Stockholm: ECDC; 2016. © European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2016. Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged